So... what's the best routing solution for..

Re: ethernet handoff from ISP

<<Don't use any routing protocol at all. Actually, skip having your >>
<<own router too. >>

I am going to have to disagree with your statement. You are risking major
problems without filtering their access. I wouldn't allow any outside
company access to my networks without screening were they can go.

A firewall wasn't discussed, but I agree that one is recommended.

router != good firewall

Since you're getting an ethernet handoff, and presumably you trust your
upstream [contractual agreements and all that], it may be more convenient
for them to allocate you a port on a cisco.. I doubt you would see
collision problems. as far as security is concerned, how does running
NAT on that interface sound?

NAT's great if you are unsure of the number of hosts on your network, as
private address space is [virtually] limitless.. you should also be able
to redirect specific ports to servers on your network.


FreeBSD + 2 ethernet cards + ipfw/nat = good cheap firewall

And run PicoBSD off a floppy if you're worried about "moving parts".


~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~
Charles Sprickman Internet Channel
INCH System Administration Team (212)243-5200

FreeBSD + 2 ethernet cards + ipfw/nat = good cheap firewall

And run PicoBSD off a floppy if you're worried about "moving parts".

This also is very cool in Comcast cable modem land. :slight_smile:


Nathan Stratton Telecom & ISP Consulting