So... what's the best routing solution for..

... a small operation with a few computers (maybe three or four servers
plus a handful of other computers)...

... that is not multihomed, and in fact will just be running an Ethernet
link down to the ISP downstairs...

...that is too small to get an ASN and therefore can't do BGP...

Do I go with gated or something similar, or try to pick up a cheap used
router... because I am going to be in this situation within the next
couple months.


Do I go with gated or something similar, or try to pick up a cheap used
router... because I am going to be in this situation within the next
couple months.


A cisco 2514, or a 3620 with 2e2w...

TERRY (Steve Sobol) writes:

... a small operation with a few computers (maybe three or four servers
plus a handful of other computers)...

... that is not multihomed, and in fact will just be running an Ethernet
link down to the ISP downstairs...

...that is too small to get an ASN and therefore can't do BGP...

Do I go with gated or something similar, or try to pick up a cheap used
router... because I am going to be in this situation within the next
couple months.


Well, you left off a lot of other data that go into consider the 'best'.
Such as, are you a Unix guru? Do you already have the hardware to build a

The generic response has to be to go with a small 2 port Ethernet router
(e.g., Cisco 2514).


Sorry, why could not you use free-distributed old gated? In's quite
enougph if you do not need comminities, use simple localprefs, do not use
other modern BGP4 features.

Linux, and even if I don't, it's cheaper to buy a PC than a router, typically.

My main issue is being able to block stuff I don't want to see, so perhaps
ipfwadm on a Linux box is the best way to go. I've gotten *so* *many*
different responses on this subject... :slight_smile:

Linux, and even if I don't, it's cheaper to buy a PC than a router,

You need to figure your total cost of ownership and that varies per site.
Don't forget to factor in your time in assembling and installing the unit.
One well known shop is selling a Cisco unit at $1260.



   my favorite solution for this kind of thing is a dos program called
iproute, a $50 shareware program. it'll do filtering (ala access lists),
syslog, and nat. it can run on a 286 and fits on a floppy. just stick two
ethernet cards in an old used computer and edit the config file. it's
actually pretty cool.

   i've never run gated, so can't compare it to that.

   you can search on for it, but make sure you look under
dos, not windows.


If Linux/ipfw is a turn-off, what about OpenBSD/IPFilter?

Mebbe :slight_smile: A PC based solution, for me, would probably involve Linux and
ipfw, though, since I use Linux all the time and am familiar with it.

NADA - nothing - just default route - either with a small router or a unix
box acting as a gateway router with 2 ethernet cards.