SNMP via proxy


A bit off topic. One of my early mistakes in my 9-5 was hard coding the IP’s of our SNMP box in all of our gear (networking equipment, Servers etc,). The box is at its limit and increasing its capacity will be nearly impossible. We mainly use Nagios and Cacti to monitor our network. Going forward I was thinking of setting up a few hosts whose job would be to simply relay SNMP traffic. This way moving forward we could hard code several IP’s and bounce all traffic through one of these IP’s.

TIA for your advice.



Some devices only accept IP addresses as destinations, or resolve a FQDN to an IP and that goes in the config.

I add secondary IPs to servers for these functions. Then I can simply move the IP to a new host whenever the role moves.

Cacti and Nagios generally poll via SNMP. This means the traffic is
generally NAT'able. If I really needed multiple polling SNMP servers
at the same address, I'd just throw them behind some sort of NAT

Going forward I was thinking of setting up a few hosts whose job would be to simply relay SNMP traffic. This way moving forward we could hard code several IP's and bounce all traffic through one of these IP's.

You can Source NAT your monitoring servers through a single IP/pool of IPs on a NAT enabled router. We do something similar with RADIUS where the RADIUS server requires a single source IP for each client but the clients don't have fixed IPs (containers in AWS)

This is one of (many) reasons why a number of people have been converting to a streaming telemetry model of getting data out of devices. You can send it to a relay host and visualize in your favorite magic (eg: grafana w/ influx or some other storage).

- Jared

This might be what you’re looking for…

We’ve had good luck with snmpfwd for this sort of setup.
