SNMP and syslog forwarders


It's looking like running all of our traps and syslog through a couple of relay devices (and then onwards to the various NMS's) would be quite a win for us.

These relay devices just need to be "dumb" forwarders (we don't require any filtering or storing, just reflection), but we need an HA pair (across two sites) without creating duplicates.

I have the coding skills to make this myself, but as coding skills come and go in our network team, we are looking for a commerical product so it will continnue to work after I get: hit by a bus / amnesia / visions of grandeur.

Any recommendations / experience? This needs to scale to ~1,500 devices.



The free Kiwi Syslog Server will do this.


Sam Stickland writes:

It's looking like running all of our traps and syslog through a couple
of relay devices (and then onwards to the various NMS's) would be
quite a win for us.

You can try the UDP samplicator:

(The name indicates that it can also sample packets, but that is just an
option that can be ignored for your application.)

These relay devices just need to be "dumb" forwarders (we don't
require any filtering or storing, just reflection), but we need an HA
pair (across two sites) without creating duplicates.

There is one complication with SNMP traps and also with typical Syslog
packets: The IP source address carries important information that is not
carried in the payload. So it's not sufficient for the relay to simply
re-send the UDP datagrams without loss of information.

Samplicator handles this with an option to spoof the IP source address
when it resends the packets. (With this option, it must run as root,
and you will have to drill holes in the ingress filters that you
hopefully have even for your own servers. :slight_smile:

I have the coding skills to make this myself, but as coding skills
come and go in our network team, we are looking for a commerical
product so it will continnue to work after I get: hit by a bus /
amnesia / visions of grandeur.

Not commercial, sorry. Maybe someone can sell you support for it (or
life insurance). I should probably put it up on a code hosting service
so that the community can maintain it.

Any recommendations / experience? This needs to scale to ~1,500 devices.

Shouldn't be a problem. The main trick is to ensure that the
forwarder's UDP receive buffers are large enough to handle bursts that
might arrive while the forwarder/server is catching its breath.
Samplicator lets you tune this socket buffer size.

you can easily configure syslog-ng for forwarding/relaying syslog msgs
to another box

Hi Sam,

For SNMP Traps, we were using 'Concord TrapExploder'. I'm not sure, if
this is still named that way - it's now more than 1.5 years ago, I'd
been involved in that project.
As we had configured all network elements to send the Traps to both
TrapExploders, we had to de-duplicate the traps on the EventManagement
piece of our NMS platform. But that's been an easy one...

For Syslog, we had used syslog-ng and it was just running like a charm..

.. just my 2ct's
