SMURF amplifier block list

What bullshit. Am I hearing people advocating deliberately breaking
perfectly valid addresses in order to not have to tax our poor brains
for a proper solution?

Assuming that the loudest voices on NANOG represent concensus or majority
or any such thing is probably a really poor plan.

Many of the noisiest people on the list are the least knowledgeable.

I would imagine that most sane people on the list are ignoring this
particular discussion, given the unlikelyhood of it producing anything

I don't think there's any danger of any serious fraction of the Internet
filtering out .255-addresses.


I don't think there's any danger of any serious fraction of the Internet
filtering out .255-addresses.

but if the idiots babbling about it here start to, then we can quickly
renumber our critical hosts into those immediately valuable addresses.


And isn't it amazing that some of the people on this list who contribute
nothing but complaints are themselves guilty of being smurf amplifiers?

I won't point to particular people, as I've done some quick pings and it
seems over half the people participating in this very thread haven't
bothered turning off directed broadcasts themselves. (I can provide a
summary of testing to interested parties I recognize)

Seriously folks, if you can't even turn this stuff off yourselves, how
can you expect anyone else to? And how do you expect people to take you


someone wrote: