SMS hinkiness on AT&T?

Is anyone else seeing issues with multiple copies and delayed
originals for SMSes on the AT&T network? I've been seeing this
behavior for about the past 24-36 hours.

This is phone-to-phone, not email-gateway stuff. Includes both new
iPhones and people on T-Mobile as well as $random_att_handset. Given
that our (royal we here) network monitoring is gatewayed directly via
a phone... this is of some annoyance, to get interface transition and
other alarms hours after the fact.

I'm an old AT&T Blue customer if that makes a difference.

Anyone? Bueller?


I've been seeing the same thing on T-Mobil tonight.


Text sent too at&t customers appear ok from tmob or via I'm experiencing ~10 minute delays on texts originating on at&t handsets.


Robert E. Seastrom wrote:

Once upon a time, Robert E. Seastrom <> said:

Is anyone else seeing issues with multiple copies and delayed
originals for SMSes on the AT&T network? I've been seeing this
behavior for about the past 24-36 hours.

We still have a monitoring system submitting messages via TAP, and AT&T
started failing there as well about the same time. The TAP number we've
been using returns busy most of the time and rejects most (but not all)
messages when you do get connected.

As near as we could tell, AT&T doesn't support TAP, so we've been
looking at alternatives (like a GSM modem). However, if the problem is
AT&T, I guess we might hold off.

As near as we could tell, AT&T doesn't support TAP, so we've been
looking at alternatives (like a GSM modem). However, if the problem is
AT&T, I guess we might hold off.

Not sure what you are using, but the official TAP number I found seems to always answer, but it does require that you have the enterprise paging service on the phone (which is like 10 bucks). A search of enterprise paging in AT&T's stuff gives you the info on TAP, as well as the various internet protocol's supported (which I prefer with TAP as fallback).


Yes, I was getting delayed messages from AIM -> iPhone and back as well.
(via sms)..

Robert E. Seastrom wrote:

Is anyone else seeing issues with multiple copies and delayed
originals for SMSes on the AT&T network? I've been seeing this
behavior for about the past 24-36 hours.

- -----------------------
Some reported sbc outage on outages mailing list. Not sure if this has
anything to do with the latency what you and others have and are


I see intermittent but very regular delays myself from my Nextel
Blackberry (MMS, not SMS), to and from several other networks,
sometimes up to *hours*.

I've always assumed that whatever gateway service connects the various
carriers is simply incompetent.

This might be better discussed on [outages].

-- jra