Slow and Fast IP addresses on http ?

Did anybody ever hear about IP-addresses which get a slow treatment from
some http servers ?

We have a 195.212.127/24 out of a /16 PA range which is behaving very odd
with multiple WEB servers but works fine with most others.

When we configure an IP out of 195.212.127/24 on an direct Internet
connected workstation, it takes about 1-2 minutes to start loading pages
from some WEB servers, but it is fast for all other pages. When we then
configure any other address out of this /24 onto the same client, everything
works fine.

We checked the WEB servers in question and they use various operating
systems and Server software, so it does not seem to be a bug on the server
A bug on the client side can be excluded as well because we tried various
clients and it always works fine when an address outside the 195.212.127/24
is used.
Routing also can't be the problem because after the "long" break traffic
flows smooth.


* ( [Mon 16 Jun 2003, 22:52 CEST]:

Did anybody ever hear about IP-addresses which get a slow treatment from
some http servers ?

Do you have reverse DNS in order? Seems you have a lame delegation.
This could explain the timeout, provided that the web server attempts to
resolve what the IP address points to in reverse DNS.

It seems like you have a serious lame delegation problem for; what's in the RIPE db (what
builds its zone files from) differs seriously from what's returned.


  -- Niels.


Check DNS of the client address affected, forward and reverse.
