SLC power failures

Unnamed Administration sources reported that Sean Donelan said:

As power is being restored throughout the midwestern part of the US,
one interesting feature showed up. A lot of telephone companies are
using Subcriber Loop Carriers (SLCs) to provide service. Some phone
companies are using local power sources with limited battery backup
for some SLCs. With the extended power outages, central offices with
generators maintained service; however, the remote equipment didn't
have local generators. This resulted in people losing their local
loops and telephone service as the power outages lasted for days.

Yep... The theory is, the RBOC has portable generators to deploy
as needed. There's a male plug on each to receive same. That
works fine for local failures (truck hits power line..). But
in a widespread debacle, say Hurricane Andrew, earthquake, ice
storm, etc... they have nowhere near enough, nor can they get
them deployed fast enough if they did.

("re: Some" above; I've never seen a generator installation at
a SLC...)