Ship seized for cutting Sri Lanka's internet link

Date: Tue, 24 Aug 2004 13:53:37 +0100 (WEST)
From: Carlos Friacas <>
Subject: Re: Ship seized for cutting Sri Lanka's internet link

*only* internet connection?

No, not exactly the -only- connection. They had some satellite-relay capacity.
*LIMITED* bandwidth availability. voice or data.

if yes, here we see once again the "benefits" of having a monopoly in the
telecom industry. and a bad one it seems... even if the incumbent is the
only way out of the island, it would seem wise (not cost-driven) to have a
second cable at least connecting the island to the world... :wink:

Do you have any idea of the *cost* of such a 'second cable' ?

Or how _long_ it takes to install?

Do you have any idea of the *cost* of such a 'second cable' ?

Or how _long_ it takes to install?

Or how many 'hungry for business' undersea fiber installers would line up to bid such a project? :wink:

(/me assumes there are some undersea fiber installers left.)
