Senator Diane Feinstein Wants to know about the Benefits of P2P

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Surely the big benefits of peer to peer is it takes control way from the
center - which will never go down well in Washington when the big
Digital Publishers are being so successful at pushing through
legislation via WIPO etc.

The truely novel P2P systems are only just appearing, but already
networks like freenet are largely immune to the slashdot type effect,
although last time I tried it, it would self destruct at now and then
for no obvious reason.

I don't think the politicians will like things like freenet when they
finally understand what it is intended to do, but I'm still explaining
bits of it to geeks so they are safe for a bit.

Chess over freenet was working last time I tried it, but winning against
a truely anonymous opponent is less rewarding that beating someone you
know, if only vaguely.

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Surely the big benefits of peer to peer is it takes control way from the
center - which will never go down well in Washington when the big
Digital Publishers are being so successful at pushing through
legislation via WIPO etc.

If they want to start back pedaling, perhaps we should switch to a star physical topology instead of mesh.. put the center of the star dead center in Washington where they can baby sit, run a petabit Carnivore system on it, and let corporations with enough money have their weight put on how things are run.

After all.. it is bad design typically to use a star topology for physical networks.. because of one huge single point of failure.. P2P is the ultimate mesh protocol to run on the global mesh network.