Seeking Connectivity in IRAQ

A unit within the University has need to get reliable network connectivity
to Iraq, more specifically Baghdad. I was wondering if any nanogers have any
recommendations and/or contacts with providers in the area. Wired or
Wireless. Off-list is fine.


Robert D. Scott
Senior Network Engineer 352-273-0113 Phone
CNS - Network Services 352-392-2061 CNS Phone Tree
University of Florida 352-392-9440 FAX
Florida Lambda Rail 352-294-3571 FLR NOC
Gainesville, FL 32611 321-663-0421 Cell


Check out Wataniya and Zain, the two are the regional wireless
providers and in my experience, at least in Kuwait, they offer aircard
service. The catch is that you have to have a local ID card (this was
the rule in Kuwait, not sure of Iraq). You can get around this by
buying the service from a shop who may agree to buy the card in his
own name and resell to you.

Best regards, Jeff

Check out Wataniya and Zain...

A unit within the University has need to get reliable network connectivity
to Iraq, more specifically Baghdad. I was wondering if any nanogers have any
recommendations and/or contacts with providers in the area.

Forwarded from Ryan Lackey:

satellite is the only good option in iraq still, if he really wants
reliable. standard international scpc.

in kuwait you can buy a zain "ego2go" prepaid 3G, but most of the zain
stores don't like to sell them. also, att/tmo have international
blackberry roaming which works with edge, flatrate, and if you have a BES
you can tether it.


Have you looked at


Robert D. Scott wrote: does enterprise grade satellite service.

Tim mckee

Try Stratos Global, they offer MSS and VSAT

Has anyone noticed any connectivity problems between Europe (Milan,
London and Amsterdam) to Au (Melbourne). We have various carriers on
Europe side including Level3, Telecity's IP transit and on Australia
side we have Telstra, MCI and Primus. We have seen intermittent
connectivity issues in 2 days in a row between all these carriers.

Send me a mail off-list if you have any info on this.


Vish Yelsangikar

Global Infrastructure Architect
the biggest address in property

M: +91 99802 96853
T: +1 408 253 7282

As a side job, I'm a consultant for a radio station in NC with a mobile SDN
system; works great, very reliable, tolerable latency; a must, since this
station, due to the terrain in the Appalachians, cannot easily use standard
RPU's for many live remotes, and thus is using SDN satellite IP to carry audio
and video streams from the site of the remote.

Setup at the time this system was installed as a certified installer only
thing; but the guy that did ours did it good. SDN has a good reputation from
what I can find, too.

Shades of SunBelt, Tim!

NewSkies' NSS703 is apparently intended to cover Turkey and Iraq especially
well; and probably many others resell the service, or you can
buy it directly (

Perhaps you could say what kind of connectivity you need? As various people
have pointed out, there are several GSM/UMTS operators, but this isn't a
solution for a whole network there.

I've also had good luck with Skycasters ( but I'm not sure if their coverage extends to that part of the world.