Secure Cabinets

Hey everyone, I know this is slightly off topic but I'm hoping that someone
from Verisign or the like will respond. I am looking for a VERY secure
computer cabinet to replace an open rack I have now. I'm looking for almost
vault like qualities. Is anyone willing to make recommendations on a vendor?


Hello Andrew,

Monday, August 19, 2002, 12:11:02 PM, you wrote:

Hey everyone, I know this is slightly off topic but I'm hoping that someone
from Verisign or the like will respond. I am looking for a VERY secure
computer cabinet to replace an open rack I have now. I'm looking for almost
vault like qualities. Is anyone willing to make recommendations on a vendor?

You may want to take a look at the cabinets offered by Lampertz:

Some hosting companies are using them for secure hosting.


Have space to put a cage around it?


Andrew Dorsett <> writes:

Hey everyone, I know this is slightly off topic but I'm hoping that someone
from Verisign or the like will respond. I am looking for a VERY secure
computer cabinet to replace an open rack I have now. I'm looking for almost
vault like qualities. Is anyone willing to make recommendations on a vendor?

Mosler (now a division of Diebold) makes (or at least used to make) a
Class 5 GSA security container that will likely fit your needs. It's
a variant of the map-and-plan safe which you can see at with the addition of a baffled blower
and vent, conduit passthrough, 19" rackmount rails, and (optionally) a
back door. They're known in the vernacular as a "crypto safe", which
should give you an idea as to their usual application. Call the
government sales folks; don't expect the commercial sales folks to
know what it is you're talking about.

Now, a class 5 security container isn't a vault, but it's far and away
better than just about anything you can get from MTP, Chatsworth, and
friends. (Federal Specification AA-F-358 calls for entry protection
of 10 man-minutes forced entry, 20 man-hours surreptitious entry, and
30 man-minutes covert entry, with specified man-portable tools)

Last time I talked to Mosler about buying some (this was pre-buyout,
hence the hedge in the first paragraph about whether they still make
them), I got a quote in the $3300 - $3500 range IIRC. This would have
been with a Mosler MR(K)302 mechanical combination lock. If I'm not
mistaken, in the government arena mechanical combination locks are
deprecated, and that the current lock of choice is the Mas-Hamilton
X-08 (which is a pretty righteous device in its own right; see Unfortunately, one of these
may push the price up to the $3900-$4000 range -- still a fine price
if you ask me...

Hope this helps,
