Seattle Sprint outage - update?

Any one from Sprint care to enlighten us on the major fiber cut in
Seattle? Any word on when the Sprint facilities in this area will be
back up, or what was/is the problem?

Jay Stewart
Vice President
Olympia Networking Services - "Premier Internet Access"
Phone (360) 753.3636 Fax (360) 357.6160

Any one from Sprint care to enlighten us on the major fiber cut in

Isn't it a damned shame that a company the size of Sprint does not have a
NOC. <sigh>


> Any one from Sprint care to enlighten us on the major fiber cut in
> Seattle?

Isn't it a damned shame that a company the size of Sprint does not have a
NOC. <sigh>


Sorry this wasn't about routing configs or peering randy, but the
NOC (Sprint's ISC) couldn't really answer this non-emergency
question, and the (ahem) customer service people at SMC had only a
recording referring to a vague "network event" in Seattle, not actual
information about what was causing the outage.

Jay Stewart
Vice President
Olympia Networking Services - "Premier Internet Access"
Phone (360) 753.3636 Fax (360) 357.6160

well depends what you mean by "NOC" if its network operation center
sprint have few of them 24x7



Sprint Business Operations (SPRINT2-DOM)
   12490 Sunrise Valley Dr.
   Reston, VA 22090

   Domain Name: SPRINT.NET

   Administrative Contact, Technical Contact, Zone Contact:
      Sprint DNS Administrator (SDA4-ORG) dns-admin@SPRINT.NET
Fax- (703)478-5471
   Billing Contact:
      Sprint Internic Billing (SIB2-ORG) nicbills@SPRINT.NET
Fax- (703)478-5471

   Record last updated on 13-Jan-97.
   Record created on 15-Feb-94.
   Database last updated on 25-Mar-98 04:08:11 EDT.

   Domain servers in listed order:



Having a NOC and having a NOC that those who aren't customers or peers can
use for outages or other problems (eg. 2s latency and 50% packet loss) are
two different things.

I don't know if the original poster is a Sprint customer or peer but, if
not, then in my experience you will get more information from asking the
bum in the back alley than from Sprint.

Isn't it a damned shame that a company the size of Sprint does not have a
NOC. <sigh>

well depends what you mean by "NOC" if its network operation center
sprint have few of them 24x7


most of us know sprint has a noc. some of us knew it before you were hired.

the poster somehow seems to not have known it, or confused this list with
your noc.

simply amazing how explicit one has to be on this list.



most of us know sprint has a noc.

cool, then if you really like to help dont jump on the people,
point them to the right direction

some of us knew it before you were hired

:slight_smile: i am glad you are keeping track

the poster somehow seems to not have known it, or confused this list with
your noc.
simply amazing how explicit one has to be on this list.

like many others, i did misunderstood your original response.


No, you understood it just fine. Randy was being a [expletive deleted].

He does that when things don't go his way.

-- jra