Search for a better solution


In my never ending search for a better technology I recently requested information about the GFI Security suite, I would like to thank all who replied.

My next suite of products I am exploring and request your feedback is the ISS suite of tools to include SiteProtector and Preventia series devices for IDS, IP(prevention)S, Firewall/VPN,Anit-virus,and Content Filtering. If anyone uses/used these devices please reply to me offlist with your thoughts on these products. I appriciate all of your patience with me in exploring these solutions.

Thanks you in advance,

Wes Vaux, CCNA, CCDA
Network Security Engineer,
9000 Regency Pkwy
Ste 500
Cary, NC 27511
t 919.463.6782
f 919.463.1290

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