Sea sponge builds a better glass fiber

Associated Press

Scientists say they have identified an ocean sponge living in the darkness of the deep sea that grows thin glass fibers capable of transmitting light at least as well as industrial fiber optic cables used for telecommunication. The natural glass fibers also are much more flexible than manufactured fiber optic cable that can crack if bent too far.
"YOU CAN ACTUALLY tie a knot in these natural biological fibers and they will not break -- it's really quite amazing," said Joanna Aizenberg, who led the research at Bell Laboratories.

Yea I saw that yesterday. Wasnt sure that was nanog material. But the most interesting fact left out on this summery was the ability to "dope" the fiber with elements like sodium. It seems the little creatures can do things naturally that was havent a clue how to do in the lab.

Also they seem to have absolute QoS and zero packet loss :wink: </sugarRush>


And just think of the potential here for Sponge Bob episodes!

Who lays the fiber under the sea?


Transparent and yellow and single mode is he



I do believe this email thread might have stayed off-course when we start
chanting the intro to SBSQ...


UGH! Fat fingers. Corrections: "strayed off-course" and "SBSP"


I'm still waiting for the discovery of its natural enemy, the Backhoeiosaur.


Eric Kuhnke wrote:

I'm still waiting for the discovery of its natural enemy, the Backhoeiosaur.

  All kidding aside, my concern is that it's natural enemy
  has just found it.

It's such a wonderful example of how exquisite nature is as a
designer and builder of complex systems," said Geri Richmond, a
chemist and materials scientist at the University of Oregon who
wasn't involved in the study.

"We can draw it on paper and think about engineering it but
we're in the stone age compared to nature," she said.

  That much seems clear.


or the naturally occuring coral that can switch multiple oc-192 at line rate and
give you accurate counter results ?


or the naturally occuring coral that can switch multiple oc-192 at line rate and
give you accurate counter results ?

That would actually be STM-64's, as nearly all marine cables are SDH and not SONET. (I'm assuming you have to keep the coral or sponge wet).


The natural enemy in this case would be the filefish or the angelfish who
eat the sponges...

                            Scott C. McGrath

Perhaps one of you router experts can answer this question. When using the cisco specified filter

access-list 199 permit icmp any any echo
    access-list 199 permit icmp any any echo-reply
    route-map nachi-worm permit 10
      ! --- match ICMP echo requests and replies (type 0 & 8)
      match ip address 199
      ! --- match 92 bytes sized packets
      match length 92 92

      ! --- drop the packet
      set interface Null0
    interface <incoming-interface>
      ! --- it is recommended to disable unreachables
      no ip unreachables

      ! --- if not using CEF, enabling ip route-cache flow is recommended
      ip route-cache policy

      ! --- apply Policy Based Routing to the interface
      ip policy route-map nachi-worm

why would it not stop this packet

15 1203.125000 0003E3956600 AMERIC6625D4 ICMP Echo: From To IP
FRAME: Base frame properties
    FRAME: Time of capture = 8/22/2003 11:54:16.859
    FRAME: Time delta from previous physical frame: 0 microseconds
    FRAME: Frame number: 15
    FRAME: Total frame length: 106 bytes
    FRAME: Capture frame length: 106 bytes
    FRAME: Frame data: Number of data bytes remaining = 106 (0x006A)
ETHERNET: ETYPE = 0x0800 : Protocol = IP: DOD Internet Protocol
    ETHERNET: Destination address : 00C0B76625D4
        ETHERNET: .......0 = Individual address
        ETHERNET: ......0. = Universally administered address
    ETHERNET: Source address : 0003E3956600
        ETHERNET: .......0 = No routing information present
        ETHERNET: ......0. = Universally administered address
    ETHERNET: Frame Length : 106 (0x006A)
    ETHERNET: Ethernet Type : 0x0800 (IP: DOD Internet Protocol)
    ETHERNET: Ethernet Data: Number of data bytes remaining = 92 (0x005C)
IP: ID = 0x848; Proto = ICMP; Len: 92
    IP: Version = 4 (0x4)
    IP: Header Length = 20 (0x14)
    IP: Precedence = Routine
    IP: Type of Service = Normal Service
    IP: Total Length = 92 (0x5C)
    IP: Identification = 2120 (0x848)
    IP: Flags Summary = 0 (0x0)
        IP: .......0 = Last fragment in datagram
        IP: ......0. = May fragment datagram if necessary
    IP: Fragment Offset = 0 (0x0) bytes
    IP: Time to Live = 124 (0x7C)
    IP: Protocol = ICMP - Internet Control Message
    IP: Checksum = 0x70D8
    IP: Source Address =
    IP: Destination Address =
    IP: Data: Number of data bytes remaining = 72 (0x0048)
ICMP: Echo: From To
    ICMP: Packet Type = Echo
    ICMP: Echo Code = 0 (0x0)
    ICMP: Checksum = 0x82AA
    ICMP: Identifier = 512 (0x200)
    ICMP: Sequence Number = 7680 (0x1E00)
    ICMP: Data: Number of data bytes remaining = 64 (0x0040)
00000: 00 C0 B7 66 25 D4 00 03 E3 95 66 00 08 00 45 00 .À·f%Ô..ã•f...E.
00010: 00 5C 08 48 00 00 7C 01 70 D8 D8 90 14 45 D8 90 .\.H..|.pØؐ.Eؐ
00020: 00 1B 08 00 82 AA 02 00 1E 00 AA AA AA AA AA AA ....‚ª....ªªªªªª
00030: AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA ªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªª
00040: AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA ªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªª
00050: AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA ªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªª
00060: AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA ªªªªªªªªªª


Look at your set interface Null0 command the rest is correct
you want to set the next hop to be Null0. How to do this is left as an
exercise for the reader.

                            Scott C. McGrath

Scott McGrath wrote:


Look at your set interface Null0 command the rest is correct
you want to set the next hop to be Null0. How to do this is left as an exercise for the reader.

Interface Null0 works fine. Here's a quick check.

Inbound (from peers) policy matches
route-map nachi-worm, permit, sequence 10
   Match clauses:
     ip address (access-lists): 199
     length 92 92
   Set clauses:
     interface Null0
   Policy routing matches: 10921 packets, 1048416 bytes

Outbound (to internal network) accesslist matches
Extended IP access list 181
     deny tcp any any eq 135 (1994 matches)
     permit icmp any any echo (757 matches)
     permit icmp any any echo-reply (381 matches)
     permit ip any any (381370 matches)

I cleared 181 first, then cleared route-map counters. I then checked route-map counters first before checking access-list counters. This means the access-list has more time to accrue maches yet it is considerably smaller. The checks were a matter of seconds. I'd say the policy is working. The echo/echo-reply could easily be everyday pings which are up abit due to various networks having performance issues.

IOS Versioning can sometimes have issues. There's also the question of if the packet came in the inbound interface that had the policy applied.


   Not sure if I want to answer. is this OT for NANOG? :slight_smile:

   the key is:

IP: Total Length = 92 (0x5C)

normal ICMP packets are not 92 bytes in length.... our friend Nachi does
use 92 byte packets.

BTW: good luck trying the route-map on 2948G-L3s... :wink:


point a route to null0 and set the next hop to be down that route

   OK Time for me to get coffee.... I missed the "not stop".

it might not stop a packet if the route-map isn't applied to the


point a route to null0 and set the next hop to be down that route

makes no difference, the problem isn't that the packets aren't being routed
to null0, the problem is that the packets don't match the route-map for some
reason. Only difference I see is the fragment flag is set to allow fragment
on the ones that are getting thru.
