Scaled Back Cybersecuruty

: Seems to be a case of prisoners dilema. The security of any one network
: is to some extent at the mercy of all other connected networks. The
: overall security of the network is only as strong as it's weakest link.
: In a highly competitive market place there is going to be little
: incentive to invest in security if it will just be compromised by your
: cost cutting competitors.

Yes, but:

- Shouldn't we encourage our tax $ go with preference towards good
  network citizens?

- If only a few of the larger networks started implementing better
  practices that engineering groups can't get funded today, we're
  still getting better off.

- Starting at the core, which is who the Feds buy the most IP from,
  still makes life a lot simpler if and when we get the "big one"
  in terms of cyber-attack.

I think this is probably better for a BOF (maybe even the security
BOF) discussion, though...


- Starting at the core, which is who the Feds buy the most IP from,
  still makes life a lot simpler if and when we get the "big one"
  in terms of cyber-attack.

Is not the problem with this that few if any attacks originate in the core, and by the time the traffics start getting aggregated there it is already more or less to late?

- kurtis -