RPKI and Trust Anchor question

Hi Nanog,

Does anyone have any inside information what may be happening in the effort
to have a single trust anchor for RPKI? Is ICANN still working on this?
If so is there any timeline or published info of any kind?

Most of the information i can find is about 2 years old.

Any links or info of any kind would be much appreciated.


Marcel Plug

NRO, the RIRs collective, is still working on this. It's listed as an open
action item since Q2 this CY at NRO Executive Council meetings:

It's very unlikely that ICANN, which sees the NRO as it's address support
organization, will move on this before NRO does.


Actually, ICANN had an RPKI pilot in operation back in 1996 or so. For political reasons (as far as I can tell), the RIRs refused to let ICANN/IANA play. Unless the RIRs are willing to accept ICANN/IANA as the root TA as recommended by the IAB, ICANN can't move forward.


I think David meant 2006, not 1996.

-Barb Roseman

Hello Marcel -

  The IAB and the five RIRs have both indicated that it is desirable
  to have a single trust anchor for RPKI. The IAB made a statement
  in 2010 here <http://www.ietf.org/mail-archive/web/ietf-announce/current/msg07028.html>
  and in August 2011, the RIRs asked to meet with ICANN to work towards
  "an ICANN-hosted global trust anchor for the RPKI system."
  ICANN has indicated that it is willing to host such a service, and has
  included support for it within ICANN budget each year.

  Since that time, there has been quite a bit of technical work going on
  between the RIR's and ICANN's technical teams, including work to document
  some of the technical issues that might result from having a global trust
  anchor (if you are interested in those, you might want to follow the IETF
  sidr working group.) I would say that slow and steady progress is being
  made towards the technical ability to have a single global trust anchor
  (including understanding some of the more interesting things that happen
  with key roll-overs, blocks transfers between RIRs, etc.); my present
  estimate is that we'll have a solid understanding of technical steps and
  consequences for deploying a RPKI global trust anchor by the end of 2013.
  There is discussion of preparing a ICANN/RIR testbed at that time to
  demonstrate technical compatibility and functionality of the RPKI system
  while making use of a Global Trust Anchor.

  In parallel, there is another set of issues being worked, and that is
  engaging with the operator community in each region to understand their
  desire for having a global trust anchor. It has been noted that relying
  on such a construct will effectively create a single point of "control"
  for Internet operational routing (to the extent that folks everywhere
  begin actively validating routes using RPKI.) There is a single point
  of failure argument against a global trust anchor, as well as creation
  of a point of potential compromise, whether due to malfeasance or actual
  governmental interference. Note that these types of concerns are very
  similar to those faced by DNSSEC, and in that case they were able to be
  managed in an acceptable manner. The discussion of the merit of a single
  trust anchor is still ongoing among operators globally, and will need to
  reach convergence in order to proceed (in addition to the technical issues
  outlined above.)

  So, Marcel, please allow me to turn the question around... Do you
  do you believe that there should be an RPKI Global Trust Anchor?
  Are you concerned about the potential aggregation of control and
  risk that may result? (Feel free to answer me privately if you
  would prefer.)

  At the point in time when we understand the technical architecture
  being proposed and its implications, we will formally poll the ARIN
  and NANOG community on the question of whether there is support for
  having an RPKI Global Trust Anchor. My best estimate is that this
  will occur near the end of this year, but there's nothing wrong with
  having some discussion in the meantime if the mailing list is otherwise
  quiet. :slight_smile:

I hope this provides some insight - thank you for asking about it,
as it has been too long since any status update on this project
(I will work on that as well for the very near future.)


John Curran
President and CEO


Thanks for the update! It's good to hear that progress is being made.

Is there a place where the challenges and solutions are being discussed publicly? It's interesting that you raise DNSSEC in comparison since the two technologies have many similarities. One of the things that made DNSSEC successful was the wide-ranging public discussion that not only led to concerns that would likely not have been uncovered otherwise, but also solutions to those and other problems.


Actually, ICANN had an RPKI pilot in operation back in 1996 or so. For
political reasons (as far as I can tell), the RIRs refused to let
ICANN/IANA play. Unless the RIRs are willing to accept ICANN/IANA as
the root TA as recommended by the IAB, ICANN can't move forward.

the rirs should get their next (ipv6) address allocations from the nro
pool, eh?

Agreed. I believe that it is necessary to do the same with respect to
any global trust anchor architecture for RPKI, and believe that much of
this needs to take place initially in the IETF sidr working group. The
first step of that process is to have an initial draft doc for discussion
(which is presently being written by the ICANN/RIR technical folks.)


John Curran
President and CEO


You've apparently forgotten ICANN's time distortion field (which they'll be inventing very shortly with the zillions of dollars they'll get from the new gTLD program).

Err, yeah. 2006. Apologies -- typing on a cellphone can be distracting.


Apple will almost certainly sue for infringing their reality distortion field

Thanks for your detailed response John. Further comments inline.

  So, Marcel, please allow me to turn the question around... Do you
  do you believe that there should be an RPKI Global Trust Anchor?
  Are you concerned about the potential aggregation of control and
  risk that may result? (Feel free to answer me privately if you
  would prefer.)

Having a single root seems like the right way to go. There will always be
the threat (real or imagined) of outside interference. For that reason I'm
sure there will be a small droid army of independent systems monitoring and
studying every change the Global Trust Anchor makes - ready to sound the
alarm. It's probably easier to keep an eye on one trust anchor than it is
to monitor 5 of them.

All the other arguments I've heard are in favour of a one-TA system so I
won't repeat them.

  At the point in time when we understand the technical architecture
  being proposed and its implications, we will formally poll the ARIN
  and NANOG community on the question of whether there is support for
  having an RPKI Global Trust Anchor. My best estimate is that this
  will occur near the end of this year, but there's nothing wrong with
  having some discussion in the meantime if the mailing list is otherwise
  quiet. :slight_smile:

I hope this provides some insight - thank you for asking about it,
as it has been too long since any status update on this project
(I will work on that as well for the very near future.)

As I said, thanks for the update.