[routing-wg]BGP Update Report

One might also imagine that more globally-friendly way to implement this
would have been to build a network (VPN would be adequate) between the
ground stations and assign each plane a prefix out of a block whose subnets
are only dynamically advertsed within that network/VPN. Doing that would
prevent the rest of the global Internet from having to track 1000+ routing
changes per prefix per day as satellite handoffs are performed.


The comment still applies. Imagine that this system were implemented globally
on all international/intercontinental air routes. It would still be nice to
avoid having each of those airplanes cause a globally-visible routing update
whenever it crosses some geographical boundary.



One might also imagine that more globally-friendly way to implement this
would have been to build a network (VPN would be adequate) between the
ground stations and assign each plane a prefix out of a block whose subnets
are only dynamically advertsed within that network/VPN. Doing that would
prevent the rest of the global Internet from having to track 1000+ routing
changes per prefix per day as satellite handoffs are performed.

As has been said before, and is also readable in that blog entry: the
system is supposed to create *one* advertisement change when the plane
is crossing from the "Europe" to the "US" ground station (etc.), not

The comment still applies. Imagine that this system were implemented globally
on all international/intercontinental air routes. It would still be nice to
avoid having each of those airplanes cause a globally-visible routing update
whenever it crosses some geographical boundary.

In a typical flight Europe / China I believe that there would be order 10-15 satellite transponder / ground
station changes. The satellite footprints count for more that the geography.



The comment still applies. Imagine that this system were implemented
globally on all international/intercontinental air routes. It would still
be nice to avoid having each of those airplanes cause a globally-visible
routing update whenever it crosses some geographical boundary.

The problem is physics: The speed of light is about 300.000km/s in air
and about 200.000km/s in fibre, which means a VPN solution causes an
_additional_ >70ms delay for some additional 7000km VPN distance.

If one assumes a well-engineered VPN solution that interconnects the ground
stations to "peering" points to the rest of the Internet, then there should
be no increase in delay for traffic outbound from the plane toward the
Internet - traffic path will still be plane -> ground station -> nearest exit
point to Internet.

The amount of delay increase for return traffic is hard to quantify; it will
depend on how well the Conxion service network/VPN is connected to its
upstream providers, how well-connected those providers are to interconnect
points to the rest of the Internet, whether shortest-exit routing (or some
other "optimized exit routing") is implemented between the various providers,
etc. Many of these issues will apply to the current, dynamically-route-every-
prefix model, too. In some cases, the VPN will make little or no different
in delay; in some cases, it may increase one-way delay a bit. On the upside,
worries about more-specific filtering and route-dampening will go away.

No, VPN and NAT and PA and shim are not the solution for todays
mobile communications demands. From the view point of the developer
of such an intercontinental communications system todays internet
technology looks outdated, the BGP re-anouncement is just a hack.
Indeed, RFC1661 is dated July 1994.

This is just another example for the obvious demand of a true dynamic
routing system beeing capable to handle large numbers of prefixes and
dynamic changes in the routing table. Other demand results from mobile
networks, IPv6 PI etc.

The demand _is_ there, simply saying "don't use PI, do keep 200 customers
rules (IPv6), don't accept small prefixes, don't permit dynamic changes,
do wait for our perfect shim solution which takes short additional 10 years
to develop, do purely theoretical discussions on geoadressing" as the
"restrictive approach" is not the solution.

Either the Internet community will find good answers to these demands,
or the markets will find solutions without the Internet community ...

Ceterum Censeo: BGP_Standard_Update subito, IPv6 PI subito ...

If one assumes no changes to ipv6 semantics, it is hard to envision such a
solution being possible. "PI routing" degenerates into flat routing and
building "a true dynamic routing system beeing capable to handle large numbers
of prefixes and dynamic changes in the routing table" is difficult to
impossible if one assumes a) a single number space that accomodates both
routing information and endpoint-identification (which is a fundamental design
assumption in ipv6 as currently specified) and b) continued super-linear
growth in the number of unique subnets that are identified using that
numbering space.

There are smart people who have been looking at how to fix this for more than
a decade (some would say that research along these lines dates back to the
1960s...see http://www.nanog.org/mtg-0606/fuller.html for a recent NANOG
presentation on this topic, with pointers to earlier work); virtually all of
the designs that have been offered require routing locator/endpoint-id
separation. Unfortunately, those who put together the current ipv6 did not
choose to follow the locator/endpoint-id separation path. For a variety of
reasons, trying to retro-fit the split into ipv6 with something like shim6
is difficult and it running into a lot of resistance.


Marshall Eubanks writes:

In a typical flight Europe / China I believe that there would be
order 10-15 satellite transponder / ground station changes. The
satellite footprints count for more that the geography.

What I remember from the Connexion presentations is that they used
only four ground stations to cover more or less the entire Northern
hemisphere. I think the places were something like Lenk
(Switzerland), Moscow, Tokyo, and somewhere in the Central U.S..

So a Europe->China flight should involve just one or two handoffs
(Switzerland->Moscow(->Tokyo?)). Each ground station has a different
ISP, and the airplane's /24 is re-announced from a different origin AS
after the handoff.

It's possible that there are additional satellite/transponder changes,
but those wouldn't be visible in BGP.

Vince Fuller writes:

Ceterum censeo: Nevertheless this moving-clients application shows
some demand for a true-location-independend IP-addresses
announcement feature (provider independend "roaming") in IPv6, as
in v4 (even thru this isn't the "standard" way, but Connexion is
anything but standard). Shim etc. is not sufficient ...

Ehm, well, Connexion by Boeing is maybe not such a good example for
this demand. Leaving aside the question whether there is a business
case, I remain unconvinced that using BGP for mobility is even worth
the effort. It is obvious that it "worked" for Boeing in IPv4, for
some value of "worked", but the touted delay improvements on the
terrestrial ISP path (ground station - user's "home" ISP) are probably
lost in the noise compared to the 300ms of geostationary. But, hey,
it's free - just deaggregate a few /19's worth of "PA" (what's that?)
space into /24 and annouce and re-announce at will.

Vince has an outline of an excellent solution that would have avoided
all the load on the global routing system with (at least) the same
performance (provided that the single network/VPN is announced to the
Internet from good locations on multiple continents):

One might also imagine that more globally-friendly way to implement
this would have been to build a network (VPN would be adequate)
between the ground stations and assign each plane a prefix out of a
block whose subnets are only dynamically advertsed within that
network/VPN. Doing that would prevent the rest of the global
Internet from having to track 1000+ routing changes per prefix per
day as satellite handoffs are performed.

But that would have cost money! Probably just 1% of the marketing
budget of the project or 3% of the cost of equipping a single plane
with the "bump" for the antenna, but why bother? With IPv4 you get
away with advertising de-aggregated /24s from PA space.

At one of the Boeing presentations (NANOG or RIPE) I asked the
presenter how they coped with ISPs who filter. Instead of responding,
he asked me back "are you from AS3303"?. From which I deduce that
there are about two ISPs left who filter such more-specifics (AS3303
and us :-).

IMHO Connexion by Boeing's BGP hack, while cool, is a good example of
an abomination that should have been avoided by having slightly
stronger incentives against polluting the global routing system.
Where's Sean Doran when you need him?