Routing wars pending?


With all due respects, no one is rewriting history. In early
1993 I had little time to read IETF threads on the aggregation issue, kind
sir. We were working 12-16 hours a day moving big corporations
and corporate networks into a position to be a part of the
big I. It was the AGS+ --- 7000s were just a dream.......
and from our vantage point the future address space problems
were the least of my worries. Keeping corporate network
managers from getting fired because they could not move packets
or had to renumber three class Bs to connect were my issues.
Keeping high power marketing experts from going way over your
head and doing battle over ordering a client to renumber was
a daily event.

The historical IETF WGs have their history, as you remind us.
But it is only fair to point out that there are other practical
perspectives and day-to-day operations that have historical
significance. The IETF is not the *only* organization allowed
to have an opinion (and I use the word "organization" very

I do not wish to argue with my Noel. I would rather
pick a fight with the devil..... at least I would stand
a fighting chance :slight_smile: The topic, I thought was something
like "router wars" and address space issues. I simple
point out that it is causal that there will be problems
with global aggregation; and the social, political, and
economic ramifications may possibly overshadow any
technical drafts the IETF stores in it's archives.

Please do not send any life 200 mm shells toward this bunker.
I am still having trouble finding my asbestos long johns
and teflon helmet :wink: I'm not one to question your dominance
in the field, only to learn and work toward similar goals.

Best Regards,
