Routing Policy Survey

Hi all,

To follow up on my presentation at NANOG56 last week:

where I reported on the results of preliminary survey we ran to
understand the routing policies you use in your networks, we created a
new survey to better understand some of the observations made in the
first one:

As I said on Monday, research on interdomain routing could really
benefit from a better understanding of the routing policies and we
need your help! If you operate a network, we want to hear from you.
Answer as many, or as few, questions as you like. The raw survey
results will be kept anonymous and summary results communicated to the

Thanks again to everyone who talked to me about this at NANOG, and to
everyone who filled out the earlier incarnation of this survey. If you
have any comments, question, or information to share with us, please
be in touch.

Phillipa Gill, Sharon Goldberg, Michael Schapira