routing meltdown

Knowing Sean for who he is, I'm fairly sure that no RADB or RS will ever be
suitable to him. In particular...

On the contrary; I believe Peter Lothberg's proposals
for an RS scheme are quite reasonable.

I think his criticisms of the current RADB and RS models
are pretty well known, and valid.

I would point out one more thing though, and that's that
at the Stockholm IETF I had a genial chat with a number
of folks from MERIT and the RA Team in general,
and suggested several ways that the RADB could
be made incrementally useful. I hope that some good
comes out of that conversation.

I'll use any tool that will make my job easier, and
help our operation and the Internet scale better.
At the moment, though, the RADB does the opposite,
and the RS has no value whatsoever.
