route policy (Re: Public shaming list for ISPs announcing other ISPs IP space by mistake)

> Yes, RIPE rock. Please make it all not suck.

Unfortunately, RIPE DB will allow anyone to add any route objects for
prefixes that are not under the RIPE management :-(. For example,
anyone could add route objects for most of DNS root server prefixes.

Little details get used to avoid fixing bigger problems, see the
please stop sucking bit.

If there was somewhere else the aliens had to be registered then they
could be dropped from RIPE


I'm not sure I follow. Many of these aliens are in fact registered in RADB, so AFAICS, there that is no reason for them to be registered in RIPE DB.

On the other hand, some want to register them in RIPE DB because some operators just want to use RIPE DB e.g. for data consistency etc. reasons. But putting data without practically any authorization in RIPE DB doesn't seem to be a useful model in the long run.

I'm not sure I follow. Many of these aliens are in fact registered in
RADB, so AFAICS, there that is no reason for them to be registered in

when ripe will not mirror the irr segment in which they do register.


As I understand things, the "without practically any authorization"
model holds for *everything* registered in the RADB. Right?

If that's not a useful model for the RIPE DB, what about the RADB?


P.S. Not to pick on the RADB. Most IRRs, as I understand it,
enforce little in the way of authorization. It's just that the RADB
was mentioned.