root nameserver problems ?

Roy, methinks you are a bit hasty here. j-m have never had tlds present.
And the other servers are being corrected as we "speak". But then, perhaps
you don't have a problem reloading your servers every couple hours or so...


Maybe I'm just too much of a babe in the woods, but I don't think he's
being a _bit_ hasty. AFAIC, root nameservers are the quintessence of
"mission critical", and the Internet simply is _not_ a geek toy anymore;
it actually _matters_.

-- jra

With the root servers blowing up, someone down here told me that our BIND
8.1 server was looking up less names than other servers. Of course I
denied it, but he coaxed me into running a few tests.

I tested 3 servers, a BIND 8.1 server, a BIND 4.9.5 p1 server, a BIND
4.9.5 server, and a BIND 4.9.3 server.

I tested a total of 100 uncached domains.

16% of the domains couldn't be looked up by the BIND 4.9.3 server
16% of the domains couldn't be looked up by the BIND 4.9.5p1 server
17% of the domains couldn't be looked up by the BIND 4.9.5 server
26% of the domains couldn't be looked up by the BIND 8.1 server

All queries were sent to all the nameservers at the same time. I'm not
sure if this is by chance, but it seems that BIND 8.1 isn't doing as good
a job as the older 4.9.x servers.

Can anyone confirm this?


16% of the domains couldn't be looked up by the BIND 4.9.3 server
16% of the domains couldn't be looked up by the BIND 4.9.5p1 server
17% of the domains couldn't be looked up by the BIND 4.9.5 server
26% of the domains couldn't be looked up by the BIND 8.1 server

BTW, what was the quality of the results?


The shutdown of the root name servers is the shutdown of the internet!

Take out 12 servers and you disable a multi-billion dollar industry (are
you listening cisco, microsoft, intel, ....??) The only reliable
protection of the internet from this weakness is to allow the free and
open duplication by anybody of the full information in the root servers
and in the whois database.

Otherwise just wait and some fool will test the weakness. ...What if the
internic does not have a full backup ??? Has this weakness been tested
before, and what is your confidence factor in a business that is streached
to the max?

Otherwise just wait and some fool will test the weakness.

Eugene, one of your fellow advocates of chaos, did last week. I hope he
will be prosecuted.
