Root Name Server Confederations

Marc Hurst writes:

> choosing any root name servers other than the 25-year-old IANA set
> is guaranteed to cost an ISP money in unnecessary tech support and
> bad public relations.

I have the ability and the resources to challenge your accusations

are you willing to put your money and your job where your mouth are?

If the best argument you have at your disposal is the threat of a
lawsuit, I suspect that Mr. Vixie has already won his case.

Speaking personally, and not in any official capacity

Marc Hurst writes:
> > choosing any root name servers other than the 25-year-old IANA set
> > is guaranteed to cost an ISP money in unnecessary tech support and
> > bad public relations.
> I have the ability and the resources to challenge your accusations
> internationally,
> are you willing to put your money and your job where your mouth are?

If the best argument you have at your disposal is the threat of a
lawsuit, I suspect that Mr. Vixie has already won his case.

If an international court were to rule in favour of the IANA and the ISOC
I would accept that mandate and call it a day.

So far I have only seen rulings coming from UScourts...

only one, so far, and my oh my it was SOOO supportive of your
position, wasn't it?


>So far I have only seen rulings coming from UScourts...

  only one, so far, and my oh my it was SOOO supportive of your
position, wasn't it?


I don't live in the US, don't currently do business in the US....

Get your head out of the sand. I gave you the PTO info , why don't you
broadcast it or are you afraid of something...