Root Name Server Confederations

Danger. I'm still ranting. Don't read this.

Someone asked in private e-mail...

What's to keep someone from adding some of those "bogus" root servers into
a cache file? What harm would it do? There seems to be something I'm
missing? If I had users that wanted access to .web, couldn't I add those
into the cache?

which .web do you mean? the one iahc is creating, the one amblin tried
to create, or one of the dozen that will be created next week if piracy
proves to be a useful way to add top level domain names? (did the ISP
explosion teach you guys NOTHING about copycatting?)

and when one of your customers wants foo.web and the other wants bar.web
and you can't satisfy both because they're in different .web's?

and when one of your customers wants foo.web and the other wants foo.web
except they are different web sites depending on which root servers you
point at?

ultimately the answer is: there is one "." and anybody who tells you
otherwise is trying to sell you something that you do NOT want to pay for.
(keep your hand on your wallet.)

hell, i may create a .web zone of my own if the money is THAT easy to get.

in fact, let's ALL create .web and then let's create usenet:alt.gtlds.web
and use it to synchronize entries therein. that way when someone creates
foo.web (in exchange for a service fee from the FOO company), everyone else
who has a .web domain can add the same delegation (even though they did NOT
get a service fee from the FOO company) and there will be no conflicts.

what's that you say? impractical?

well if it won't work for .web, WHAT MAKES YOU THINK IT WILL WORK FOR "." ???

the issues are clear cut. pirates are loose on the seas you're surfing, and
most of them want your money. some of them want power. a few of them just
want some personal recognition -- it hurts their feelings that they weren't
consulted on whether there should or shouldn't have been an IAHC. none of
these pirates give a rat's a** whether your customers all get the same FOO
when they ask for FOO.WEB. in fact at least one of them thinks this would be
a feature since each FOO _deserves_ a chance to be FOO.WEB.

makes one long for the days of HOSTS.TXT. which was at least reliable and
coherent. maybe it'll make a comeback in the form of everybody-run-their-own
"." server.

i guess i've said this about 900 times now. DNS is a coherent, distributed
database. don't do anything that will make it less coherent. don't lets
start back in on things that will make the same name mean something different
(or become meaningless) depending on where you're standing when you resolve

i guess i've said this about 900 times now. DNS is a coherent, distributed
database. don't do anything that will make it less coherent. don't lets
start back in on things that will make the same name mean something different
(or become meaningless) depending on where you're standing when you resolve

actually, a name meaning something different depending on where you are
when you resolve it actually can be a very good thing. just not in the
context of multiple "." domains under independent control.


It's also hierarchical - but no seems to consider that any more... ;-(


Paul A Vixie <> writes:

makes one long for the days of HOSTS.TXT. which was at least reliable and
coherent. maybe it'll make a comeback in the form of everybody-run-their-own
"." server.

Hey, I take it back, a PVM-must-die thread on NANOG hasn't
happened in a long time. Maybe NANOG isn't _utterly_
useless (only mostly)...

i guess i've said this about 900 times now. DNS is a coherent, distributed
database. don't do anything that will make it less

Kill it outright. Build something that doesn't use the
unreliable datagram protocol with all of its wonderful
deficiencies, perhaps leaving the description of the
database itself to the implementors (concentrating on
protocol instead), and ideally avoiding the
botch and the difficulties of scaling really large zones.

Denninger and company are wonderful because they are
forcing some issues which go right back to the days of
HOSTS.TXT and the ARPA zone. I seriously hope they are
able to forestall the insufficient bandaid approaches
being proposed by more moderate technical people.

start back in on things that will make the same name mean something different
(or become meaningless) depending on where you're standing when you resolve

But this is a really neat idea; have the DNS or its
follow-on(s) represent _services_ and the utility of having
this feature is fairly obvious. This is to some extent
how NATs work, after all.

A complaint about how '<port>.<zone>.<zone>...' can
lead to confusion is a complaint about the lack of
directory services through one can find a service in the
first place.


Nice ideas. Send code.
