Root-64 Weekly Status Report (fwd)

This Root-64 activity is widespread enough that I think all network
operators should take note of it. Read this message carefully, there are
people working on this project in many countries. If you want to keep tabs
on what is happening there is a URL in the message for a mailing list to
subscribe to.

For the record, I am opposed to what this group is doing. Jim Fleming, the
author of the forwarded message, is in favor. If you want to discuss the
matter I think NANOG is not the right list given that there is a list
mentioned in the message below.

Michael Dillon - ISP & Internet Consulting
Memra Software Inc. - Fax: +1-604-546-3049 - E-mail:

Which universe is this? I didn't realise we needed to take into account
happenings in parallel universes while operating our networks.


Are you 100% confident that this group will not cause you to spend
increased amounts of time on tech support and customer relations
explaining why your network is NOT broken because they cannot get

Are you 100% confident that your marketing people understand that the
root64/alternic stuff is not the latest Internet service that they should
be selling to their customers?

What happens when other employees of your company read some of the
material Jim Fleming has written and believe that this is an official
new way to deal with Internet domain names?

The idea that somehow cyberspace is not part of the real world is
completely and utterly bogus.

Michael Dillon - ISP & Internet Consulting
Memra Software Inc. - Fax: +1-604-546-3049 - E-mail:

Which universe is this? I didn't realise we needed to take into account
happenings in parallel universes while operating our networks.

It's two alternate universes, the Wannabe universe, for those attempting to
prove two adages at once, one about idle hands and the other about lack of
clue. The second is a brain-dead universe called Cross-Posters, populated
with folk who think that others do not actually know how to subscribe to
mailing lists, so cross-post everything they see to every list to which they
have learned to subscribe.

I suspect that these two universes have sufficient overlap that there is a
non-trivial class of wannabes who think they need to cross-post vacuous
garbage so that everybody who does not want to can see it.

I guess it's .procmailrc time again.


According to reports posted to several mailing lists, the FNCAC
recommended that NSF wrap up its cooperative agreement with Network
Solutions after 4 years rather than 5. This would mean the agreement
would end March 31, 1997. What would happen were NSF to take this advice?

> Which universe is this? I didn't realise we needed to take into account
> happenings in parallel universes while operating our networks.

Are you 100% confident that this group will not cause you to spend
increased amounts of time on tech support and customer relations
explaining why your network is NOT broken because they cannot get

I'm 100% confident that this group will be irrelevant until they somehow get
enough of the Internet to matter. At this point, I don't consider this very

What happens when other employees of your company read some of the
material Jim Fleming has written and believe that this is an official
new way to deal with Internet domain names?

They will be referred to more suitable educational material.

The idea that somehow cyberspace is not part of the real world is
completely and utterly bogus.

How did you parse this out of the above?


It would sure be nice if there was some suitable educational material
generally available. I've been contacted several times by reporters over
this issue and the best I can do is to point out that this is not as
simple as the Alternic/Route64 people make it seem and to point them to my
TLD resources page at for background
material and let them draw their own conclusions.

If the members of this list generally support what ISOC and IANA are doing
with the IAHC it may be a good idea to get your PR departments to issue a
press release indicating that support. Right now a lot of the press has
this mistaken idea that the industry supports Alternic/Route64 while the
IANA/ISOC/IAHC efforts are way out in ivory tower left field somewhere.

Michael Dillon - ISP & Internet Consulting
Memra Software Inc. - Fax: +1-604-546-3049 - E-mail: