RIP dmr

Oh, hell:

A longer obituary thread for him than for steve jobs I think. He deserves it.
[and gmail wants me to "consider including Mikael Abrahamsson" on this
thread, dont know whatever for]

I started with UNIX back when it arrived at school, on reel to reel tapes, and it was loaded on to the PDP 11/45. I learned to write C from the original K&R (which I still have, of course).

Dennis was one of the good ones. A kind and generous person, who changed all our worlds.

Rest In Peace

I started with UNIX back when it arrived at school, on reel to reel
tapes, and it was loaded on to the PDP 11/45. I learned to write C from
the original K&R (which I still have, of course).

Same here!

Dennis was one of the good ones. A kind and generous person, who changed
all our worlds.

Dennis always answered my email queries. I asked him all sorts of silly
programming and Unix questions early in my career, and he patiently
answered them all. I wouldn't have my career without both his
contributions and his guidance.

His memory is for blessing.

Lynda wrote:

Dennis was one of the good ones. A kind and generous person, who changed all our worlds.

I consider the K&R C book as the pinnacle of how a book like that should be written. Every page, every sentence contains a multitude of information and there is no redundancy.

The C book contains in 200 or so pages more useful information than the majority of programming books could ever hope to cram in 2000 odd pages.

And they still managed to add some humour...

> Rest In Peace
