RIP and RIPv2, "The glue that makes the internet work"

POP quiz!

What was/is the largest production network (in number of end nodes) that
used/uses RIP as the IGP?

What was/is the largest production network (in number of end nodes) that
used/uses static routing as the IGP?

I haven't the foggiest.

What is the largets commercial production network that uses OSPF in a SINGLE
area... Its based in Calif.

i know lots of networks that use/have used AREA0 for their entire network.
it would be hard for me to say which one is larger.


    POP quiz!

What was/is the largest production network (in number of end nodes) that
used/uses RIP as the IGP?

I have worked in an enviroment with over 12,000 nodes, which used RIPv1
and class B address space. And it was a pain, the software/hardware
engineers who original built that stuff didn't want to give up