RIP and RIPv2, "The glue that makes the internet work"

Latest Linux Mag has this really nice long article about how
RIP and its new version RIPv2 is the GLUE that makes the internet

I almost fell down on that.

Oh, wait, I do know a couple of exchange points that wanted to or are
running RIP. No REALLY!!


Oh come on. Not that this type of crap has any place one NANOG but, I do
seem to remember a time not so long ago when a company that started in
MD was selling UUCP services at a premium. If the slackers who write for
the rag can make a buck, let them. Do you REALLY put any stock in what
you read in PRINT?

All seem to assume I am bashing the authors or the rag. It was ment to
bring a slight bit of HUMOR, you know the chuckle needed after a LONG day fighing
the BGP monsters. Reflecting back upon a day more peacful, more RIPish.

But I guess most are to stressed over the whole tech stock thing to remember what
a chuckle is.

Oh well. It was closer to operational content than some of the REPLY posts.

I apologize, I'm going off topic.

If the slackers who write for the rag can make a buck, let them. Do
you REALLY put any stock in what you read in PRINT?

Actually, I put a lot of stock in what I read in print, and I put
much greater stock in what I read in print than anything I read on
the Internet, mailing lists being one of them.

I mean, gee, IEEE, ACM and numerous other scientific magazines and
journals of various subjects are all print based. The newspaper one
reads usually every day (not counting the tabloids :wink: is print based.
Are you saying you don't put a whole lot of stock into them because
they are in print? I bet college professors and reporters adore
you - their integrity is on the line every time they write an article.

Not having read the article in the Linux magazine, I'm fairly sure
the person who wrote the article about RIP is being laughed at by
many communities outside of NANOG, and his integrity is shot.
