Reuters: Europe broadband surpasses Americas

Not exactly operationally relevent, but interesting nonetheless.

- ferg

From a Reuters newswire article appearing in CNN/Money:


More Europeans than Americans had a broadband Internet
connection in the first quarter, according to a survey
published Wednesday, which also showed South Korea is
on the verge of losing its global pole position.

The Asia Pacific region, where most of the world's
population live, remained the world's biggest broadband
market with 61 million subscribers and a 39 percent share
of the global broadband market, Anglo-Dutch research
group TelecomPaper said. Europe was second with 47.95
million fast Internet subscribers, overtaking the Americas
with 47.53 million.

"Europe has outrun the Americas for the first time in
history and became the second largest broadband market
in the world," TelecomPaper said in a note.
