Results of query on auth usage

I received 20 responses which isn't exactly overwhelming :-). All of the responses included usage information for eBGP-MD5 and a few provided information on MD5 for interior protocols. In addition to these 20 I also received a few more with commentary. Conclusion from these messages?

+ only 2 required their peers to use eBGP-MD5
+ many wanted to use it but peers either refused or didn't know how
+ some issues concerning whether this protects you from any "real" threat

So, there you have it. Below are the breakouts and miscellaneous remarks that were included in the email I received. Thanks to all of you who took the time to send me something.


You seem to have lost my note about CSCdw39691 in your summary.

  - Jared


There were notes about problems with other vendors' implementations too but I didn't include them either. But, you're right I probably should have added that product defects have been a factor in folks not deploying this technology :slight_smile:
