Requst for tech/peering contact to Qwest, Bresnan/ATT Worldnet(?) (for Montana)

Please reply privately, off-list...

I know this is probably not the best place, but Qwest, being Qwest, if I call their main numbers and try to ask about peering, they do s/peering/transit/ and route me to sales. I need to speak to someone in Qwest about peering at NWIX in Missoula, MT -- -- Modwest (my employer) has a decent number of local customers on both of these providers networks, and employees being serviced on Bresnan's network. Bresnan I know has IP gear here in the facility, I just need to get the contact of someone who has the authority to get them plugged into NWIX in Missoula and setup a BGP peering session.

I have a sales contact with Bresnan, but, if Bresnan's network guys/gals are on here and listening, this could hasten the process.

Qwest I know has a cabinet with an ONS15454, however, I'm not sure about IP. I'm not requesting global peering for either of them (we're just a small content/hosting provider) however I'd like to atleast have Montana customers/local customers see us via the direct link rather than having to go out one of our transit links.

Thanks again everyone, I now return you to your (err.. quasi?) operational content! :slight_smile:

I wonder if anyone with can tell me why this ip or /24 ( /24)

would be blocked from sending SMTP to customers.

Off-list reply is fine...

That's a large (and quite good) webhost called, which also
hosts the Pittsburgh IX (

Blocking is fine - happens. Postmaster and other role accounts not
replying at all to email that they're sent is just not a good thing to


That would be the one. They have a /18 that contains that /24 that I mentioned. has finally
issued for me NOC TICKET 577106. They had no previous ticket on this trouble for I hope was glad to find me through Steve Schustack of Probably
not and I'm doing this consultation for free :wink: I think I just might be the only one that got results. Maybe
I can get a supporting engineer position at Or maybe a support contract.

pair Networks (PAIR)
pair Networks (AS7859) PAIR-NETWORKS 7859
pair Networks PAIRNET-BLK-2 (NET-209-197-64-0-1) -
pair Networks PAIRNET-BLK-3 (NET-216-92-0-0-1) -
pair Networks PAIRNET (NET-209-68-0-0-1) -
pair Networks PAIRNET-BLK-4 (NET-66-39-0-0-1) -
pair Networks PAIRNET-BLK-5 (NET-216-146-192-0-1) -
pair Networks PAIRNET-BLK-6 (NET-65-181-128-0-1) -

# ARIN WHOIS database, last updated 2005-09-19 19:10
# Enter ? for additional hints on searching ARIN's WHOIS database.
* In addition, Pair networks says the following:In our experiences, most blocks occur from users forwarding their domain email to an outside address such as Bellsouth. Since a customer forwards all mail, legitimate and spam, the ISP will see the spam deliveries and block the offending IP, our server. In most cases, the ISP is willing to work with us and the customers to limit the amount of mail being forwarded. In this case, Bellsouth refuses to correspond with us. Should you have any additional questions please let us know. Thank you,Jaime P.pair Networks* I had not heard that kind of indication before. I hope if someone isforwarding domain email to that they will stop...---
Alan Spicer (

Blocking is fine - happens. Postmaster and other role accounts not
replying at all to email that they're sent is just not a good thing to

speaking of which:

    ----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----
     (reason: 550 5.7.1 <Your e-mail was rejected by an anti-spam content filter on gateway (,
graphics, or spam-like characteristics. Removing these may let the e-mail through the filter.>)

    ----- Transcript of session follows -----
... while talking to


<<< 550 5.7.1 <Your e-mail was rejected by an anti-spam content filter on gateway ( for rejection
may be: obscene language, graphics, or spam-like characteristics. Removing these may let the e-mail through the filter.>
554 5.0.0 Service unavailable

running a spam filter on does not seem terribly wise...


They really ought to filter inbound email more then. And/or
(preferably and) route .forward traffic out through a separate IP.
What the pair guy describes has bitten us too - and we've been
figuring out various ways to keep a tight lid on it, but isolating
.forward traffic is the first step.

This may give you an idea of what issue may be and the response
you're likely to encounter.

Back in June, we contacted Bellsouth postmaster regarding their
filtering of SMTP connections (i.e., so that connection attempts
hang until the timeout is reached), and received this reply from

  We will configure our settings for your company on our
  Filtering mechanism to 50 messages within a 5 minute window.
  We ask that you conform to this industry standards regarding
  submission of email to our mail server.

As you all know, 50 messages/5 minutes is abysmally low, particularly
for a mailing list hosting provider. Our requests for higher
threshold and a pointer to the "industry standards" were summarily

If there's a Bellsouth contact with more of a clue on this list,
we'd be happy to meet any reasonable requirements you have for email

Omar Thameen

> I wonder if anyone with can tell me why this ip or /24
> ( /24)
> would be blocked from sending SMTP to customers.

That's a large (and quite good) webhost called, which also
hosts the Pittsburgh IX (

Blocking is fine - happens. Postmaster and other role accounts not
replying at all to email that they're sent is just not a good thing to

This may give you an idea of what issue may be and the response
you're likely to encounter.

Back in June, we contacted Bellsouth postmaster regarding their
filtering of SMTP connections (i.e., so that connection attempts
hang until the timeout is reached), and received this reply from

We will configure our settings for your company on our
Filtering mechanism to 50 messages within a 5 minute window.
We ask that you conform to this industry standards regarding
submission of email to our mail server.

As you all know, 50 messages/5 minutes is abysmally low, particularly
for a mailing list hosting provider. Our requests for higher
threshold and a pointer to the "industry standards" were summarily

If there's a Bellsouth contact with more of a clue on this list,
we'd be happy to meet any reasonable requirements you have for email

Omar Thameen

Bellsouth basically told me they were blocking Pair Networks because
the percentage of spam vs non-spam is around 75 - 80%. They say
they are communicating with them on this. Supposedly there was a
conference telephone call this past Thursday 09-22-2005. BS says
they must reduce this spam amount for the block to be removed.

Pair seems to think it is mostly domain customers forwarding their
mailboxes to their BS dot Net email accounts.

This the first I've heard of BS having a 50/5 threshold limit.