Request for State of the Internet Volunteers

Hi all -

At the last couple of NANOGs I asked the audience if they were interested
in another State of the Internet presentation set as we had done back in
Washington, D.C. (NANOG 7) and the answer was a resounding yes.

So, I am sending this request to the nanog list asking for:
  3 volunteers from the ISP community,
  3 volunteers from the Exchange Point community, and
  3 volunteers that could reflect the current end-user community Internet

As we did the first time, each will be asked to give a 10 minute 3-4 slide
talk answering the following three questions:

  1) What are the top three most pressing problems you face?
  2) What is the topology of your backbone or Exchange Point,
    or end-user, how are you connected?
  3) What quantitative data do you have to share to show these problems?

The hope is that we can identify a couple of common problems to the NANOG
community that can be addressed by the router vendors, software or OS
developers, ISP community itself, Exchange Point Operators, TelCos,
Facilities Providers, etc.

If you would like to volunteer to speak in this segment of the NANOG
meeting, please e-mail me a paragraph that will give me an idea of the
answers to the above 3 questions. If you have slides or web pointers that
would be wonderful.

Please send this to with "State of the Internet Volunteer" in
the subject field. Those speaking at NANOG 12 will of course get in free
and receive the limited edition versions of the NANOG 12 speaker T-shirts :wink:

