Request for Community Input – Enhancing ICANN Accountability

NANOG Folks -

     There is a fairly important ICANN consultation going on which seeks input from
     the Internet community regarding ICANN's accountability mechanisms and the
     desirability of any potential enhancements (this is context of ICANN operating in
     the absence of a contractual relationship with the US Government.)

     This topic has the potential for significant impact on the administration of both
     Internet DNS names and IP addresses, so those who have strong views in these
     matters might want to provide input accordingly (See the attached message to
     PPML providing pointers to the consultation) The RIRs, as coordinated via the
     NRO, have a draft response (attached) and input on that is welcome as well.
     ICANN extended the deadline to the end of this week, which provides this
     opportunity to obtain additional community input.


John Curran
President and CEO