Request for Comments on a topological address block for N. Calif.

There's two kinds of traffic that Alternet can provide to SmallGuy:

[ a) deleted...standard peering ]

b) transit peering, meaning Alternet announces to SmallGuy all routes
that SmallGuy is paying to get (Alternet's plus everyone else's
presumably, though transit-to-some-but-not-al ASes can also be done, and
where Alternet propagates all of SmallGuys route announcements to the
ASes SmallGuy buys access to.

[Buying access to some ASes but not the whole Internet as seen by
Alternet can be hard since some of these ASes may not be directly
connected to Alternet, in which case SmallGuy must also pay for transit
to the ASes between Alternet and the ones he desires. In practice
SmallGuy will buy transit to the whole Internet as heard of by

Unfortunately, this is not particular feasible in any great amount (at least
on a Cisco). The differnet filter-lists needed for each peering session would
make your configuration downright un-wieldy after a few such arrangements.
I starting having to deal with three filter-lists to update on the mae-east
net99 router for one similar project, and each time I added a new peer, all
three of them had to be updated a little differently. Had it gotten any worse,
I would have had to build some script to automatically update my filter-lists
for me.

Even if it was easy, I really wouldn't want to wade through the configuration
file when done. They are getting bad enough already.
