Remote hands for One Wilshire?

We're looking for someone (ideally a company) to be our emergency hands
for equipment located in the ELI space at One Wilshire in LA.

We would also have need for occasional non-emergency upgrades and
additions. The reason we'd like a company is that we don't want someone
on vacation at exactly the time we need those hands on our boxes.

With the amount of internet equipment scattered around the US (and the
world) it seems like there's a business here for somebody. Just not us.


This sort of thing has occurred to me several times. I'm available here in Chicago and would be happy to lend a hand when needed, but we've got some equipment scattered here too and I could use some help when I'm not available at home as well.

Any thoughts/comments about some kind of web based clearinghouse/matchmaker site for people/companies willing to work as remote hands, what city/cities they're available in, hours of availability and the such. Companies such as you can use it to find long term arrangements such as this, or even just use it as a reference when you have a router die at 3am half way across the planet and you can't reach your employee there and need to find someone NOW?

I'd be willing to whip up something like this and host it. The only thing holding me back is the uncertainty that something like this would actually be used. I think it'd be a great tool for companies to find people in a pinch, and great for network engineers to get the occasional bit of work.

If any of you would like to let me know (off list) what your thoughts are on this, features or suggestions, and I'll summarize later.

That's funny; you know I was just telling someone about this Friday.. One
thing I notice about the colo/ibx/peering buildings is there is always
someone there.. Granted they are working on their own stuff but if there
was some way collectively if we could all show up on a website when we are
"in working" it would be a great resource of people to ask at least. I'd be
happy to help if I was on site when someone needed something. I bet we
could get some sort of co-op from the datacenters themselves too (using
in-house badge/bioscan/etc) to allow the registered members info of in-time
to be passed to a website.

Combine that with a list of people in each area to contact willing to come
in and do stuff no matter where they are or what they are doing and you may
have 90% of your solution. I don't think we are talking about a free
service here either. I bet lots of people would be willing to help if they
were in the area and were going to get some booty cash.


That's funny; you know I was just telling someone about this Friday.. One
thing I notice about the colo/ibx/peering buildings is there is always
someone there.. Granted they are working on their own stuff but if there
was some way collectively if we could all show up on a website when we are
"in working" it would be a great resource of people to ask at least. I'd be
happy to help if I was on site when someone needed something. I bet we
could get some sort of co-op from the datacenters themselves too (using
in-house badge/bioscan/etc) to allow the registered members info of in-time
to be passed to a website.

Combine that with a list of people in each area to contact willing to come
in and do stuff no matter where they are or what they are doing and you may
have 90% of your solution. I don't think we are talking about a free
service here either. I bet lots of people would be willing to help if they
were in the area and were going to get some booty cash.


That's funny; you know I was just telling someone about this Friday.. One
thing I notice about the colo/ibx/peering buildings is there is always
someone there.. Granted they are working on their own stuff but if there
was some way collectively if we could all show up on a website when we are
"in working" it would be a great resource of people to ask at least. I'd be
happy to help if I was on site when someone needed something. I bet we
could get some sort of co-op from the datacenters themselves too (using
in-house badge/bioscan/etc) to allow the registered members info of in-time
to be passed to a website.

Combine that with a list of people in each area to contact willing to come
in and do stuff no matter where they are or what they are doing and you may
have 90% of your solution. I don't think we are talking about a free
service here either. I bet lots of people would be willing to help if they
were in the area and were going to get some booty cash.


This is needed, good thinking...

One suggestion, besides remote hands it would be helpful to list contractors
willing to undertake cabling (not sure if theres any other specialisations you
might wish to include also). I have paying large amounts for simple cabling
