The Hyatt Regency room rate cut-off date is May 15. The phone number
is 1-800-233-1234 or (813) 874-1234, be sure to mention NANOG. The
attendee list has been updated. If you are not on the list and should
be please contact me. If you are planning on calling with payment info
please note that I will be out of the office Monday, 5/12 & Tuesday, 5/13.
Registration fee of $100.00 is due by May 28. Cost after the 28th is $120.00.

Pam Ciesla 313-936-0172 - phone
Merit Network, Inc. 313-647-3185 - fax
University of Michigan
4251 Plymouth Road
Bldg. I, Suite C
Ann Arbor, MI 48105-2785