Register Now for ARIN Public Policy Consultation @ NANOG 57

NANOGers -

If you are going to be at NANOG 57 in Orlando, then please note that ARIN will be holding a
Public Policy Consultation (PPC) there regarding several number resource policy proposals
and you are very much encouraged to participate and make your views on these proposals
known. Your NANOG 57 registration includes attending the ARIN Public Policy Consultation
onsite if you so desire to do so.

As ARIN's Public Policy Consultations are open to all, it is also possible to attend _just_
the PPC without charge, either in person or remotely. One needs to register separately to
just participate in the public policy consultation, and this registration does not provide you
entry to any other NANOG programming or social events. This is not likely to be relevant
to many folks on this list (since I'll be seeing most of you onsite at NANOG 57!) but if you
are going to be remotely watching NANOG 57, please take note and register for the ARIN
PPC if you intend on participating in that session (and details are available in the attached

I'd like to take a moment to thank NANOG's Executive Director Betty Burke and the NANOG
Planning Committee for making possible the ARIN Public Policy Consultation @ NANOG 57!


John Curran
President and CEO

REMINDER - If you are remotely participating in the NANOG 57 meeting,
and intend to participate in the ARIN Public Policy Consultation, you must
register to participate in the jabber session and thus ask questions and be
counted in any polls conducted.

For those not already registered at this point, you may still do so quickly by
going to <<>> and clicking on the "Register Now" button...

FYI (and Thanks!)