down sev0?


W.R.T. #2 below:

Be for real: No one ever suggested that backbone service
providers attempt to ingress filter traffic -- this is an
edge function.


- ferg


W.R.T. #2 below:

Be for real: No one ever suggested that backbone service
providers attempt to ingress filter traffic -- this is an
edge function.

I guess I'd add some clarification, though it should be obvious without.

Backbone service providers who also sell edge circuits (e.g. dedicated T-1's to non-multihomed customers) ARE providing the edge function. A provider who claims "we're a backbone, so we should do no ingress filtering at all" is being disingenuous, at least for many of the largest networks today. I'm not accusing anyone of actually making such statements at all. I agree with Paul that this is an edge function, but that "edge" is a part of nearly every provider at some point in their businesses.


W.R.T. #2 below:

Be for real: No one ever suggested that backbone service
providers attempt to ingress filter traffic -- this is an
edge function.

ah, cause I thought 'everyone should do bcp38' mean 'everyone'... I agree
that it's a great thing, I think 'everyone' should do it, I even thing we
should where possible. I think LOTS of this would go away if people
filtered their lan segments... tey have the horsey's there to do it
without the compromises that must be taken at the 'core' (or 'more central
portions of 'the net')

And I was sorta yanking your chain some :slight_smile: