Recommendation on NTP appliances/devices

We have symmetricom (now microsemi) and are very happy with them, but we use the roof mounted gps antennas. They will peer with public ntp severs if that would work for you.

On a tangential note, it's all very nice to say "We have brand X and
like them", but I'd be curious to hear from folks who have deployed at
least four divergent brands with non-overlapping GPS chip sets and
software [*] to keep a conspiracy of errors from causing the time to
suddenly be massively incorrect. Not that this has ever happened in
the past in a single vendor configuration [cough].

Along the same lines I'm troubled by the lack of divergent sources
these days - everything seems slaved to GPS either directly or
indirectly (might be nice to have stuff out there that got its time
exclusively via Galileo or Glonass). The sole exception that I can
think of offhand is that I have an office within ground wave of WWVB,
which would be a tasty ingredient. GOES is gone. LORAN is defunded.
And so it goes; all our eggs are in one basket.

I've thought about posting this request to the NTP developers list,
but maybe someone who's an operator and actually cares about keeping
the byzantine generals sequestered from each other has solved this
problem recently.



[*] to the extent possible; I'm sure that there's a lot of reference
implementation DNA floating around out there)

Berry Mobley <> writes:

Once upon a time, Rob Seastrom <> said:

Along the same lines I'm troubled by the lack of divergent sources
these days - everything seems slaved to GPS either directly or
indirectly (might be nice to have stuff out there that got its time
exclusively via Galileo or Glonass).

Since you mentioned GLONASS: it had a 10+ hour outage yesterday,
apparently due to a bad ephemeris upload. Did anybody have a
GLONASS-using NTP server experience problems?

Chris Adams <> writes:

Once upon a time, Rob Seastrom <> said:

Along the same lines I'm troubled by the lack of divergent sources
these days - everything seems slaved to GPS either directly or
indirectly (might be nice to have stuff out there that got its time
exclusively via Galileo or Glonass).

Since you mentioned GLONASS: it had a 10+ hour outage yesterday,
apparently due to a bad ephemeris upload. Did anybody have a
GLONASS-using NTP server experience problems?

It would be the height of arrogance to think that this couldn't happen to GPS.

I want redundancy.


Sadly, right now that either means your own real clock, or WWV. The
cellphone time is (as far as I know, for the networks I saw data on) all
coming off GPS.

Fortunately real clocks are coming way down in cost.

So the question is, if you want redundancy, what do your failure modes look
like. Is some low level drift if GPS goes away and stays away for an
extended period OK? In that case, redundancy probably would be a single
local high grade clock. Do you want
multi-vendor-common-mode-failure-resistant low drift if GPS goes away? In
that case, you probably need 3 local clocks. Possibly 4, if you want to be
able to down one for maintenance and still have 3 operating when the fit
hits the shan, so that if one of the remaining ones drifts you know which
of the 3 is out of whack and to exclude from the "live source". Just two
operating and you're SOL on figuring out which one is off.

This is why spacecraft and aircraft often have 3 or 4 of each critical
thing; 3 gets you "only fly with all 3 working" and the ability to detect
the bad instrument; 4 lets you fly with one down for maintenance and still
have safe redundant operation, increasing dispatch reliability.

Loves my old Heathkit WWVB unit. Keeps drift in check most days.
Pairs nicely with the Spectracom 9383.

Looking at the Microsemi TP-5000 w/ rubidium oscillator.


There are commercially available NTP servers with GPS + Rb oscillators... for NTP
use you could basically let it sync up a couple days, disconnect the GPS and let
it freerun. You'd still be within a millisecond of GPS even after a couple years
most likely. Reconnect it to GPS for a couple days every 1-2 years to resync it.
More fun and cheaper to build your own I'd bet, if you had the time.

With clocks/oscillators designed to provide hold-over for synchronous networks
and microwave RF systems (parts per million or billion) the demands of NTP for
general use in an IP network are pretty modest. You lose more accuracy in NTP
stratum 1->2 across a (relaively) jittery WAN link than a cheap atomic clock does
in a long time.


Meinberg[0] pegs rubidium at �8ms per year, if you need NTP to do say single
direction backbone SLA measurement you want to have microsecond precision.

I think most GPS chipsets today do Glonass also, maybe it's partly because
Russia has import sanctions for those who don't do, or maybe simply because it
gives better user experience as sync is found earlier.

But is there NTP product which you can configure to GPS-only mode or
Glonass-only mode, which I think might be closer to Rob's idea of redundancy.
As if you use both, 'poisoned' source would break all of your kit.
But that is probably not easy to solve with two sources, if half is GPS and
half is Glonass, and Glonass starts sending bad timing information, what do
your NTP clients do, average to the middle?


There are commercially available NTP servers with GPS + Rb oscillators... for NTP
use you could basically let it sync up a couple days, disconnect the GPS and let
it freerun. You'd still be within a millisecond of GPS even after a couple years
most likely. Reconnect it to GPS for a couple days every 1-2 years to resync it.
More fun and cheaper to build your own I'd bet, if you had the time.

Meinberg[0] pegs rubidium at ±8ms per year, if you need NTP to do say single
direction backbone SLA measurement you want to have microsecond precision.

Those two statements don't go together.

Also outside the HFTers most of us don't care about a few milliseconds
(sure an extra 50ms can be a pain, but is trivial to measure).

It's one thing to be a time-nut (I'm certainly one), but recognise that
straight NTP, well deployed, even syncing from the pool is sufficient
for nearly all use cases not needing sub-millisecond precision.

> Meinberg[0] pegs rubidium at �8ms per year, if you need NTP to do say single
> direction backbone SLA measurement you want to have microsecond precision.

Those two statements don't go together.

Point I was making is that free-running rubidium is not accurate enough for
QoS measurements of IP core.

Also outside the HFTers most of us don't care about a few milliseconds
(sure an extra 50ms can be a pain, but is trivial to measure).

Jitter in backbone is low tens of microseconds, if you want to measure how
that changes over time, free-running rubidium is not going to cut it.

Meinberg[0] pegs rubidium at ±8ms per year, if you need NTP to do say single
direction backbone SLA measurement you want to have microsecond precision.

Those two statements don't go together.

Point I was making is that free-running rubidium is not accurate enough for
QoS measurements of IP core.

Free running oscillators are fine as long as you know what the actual
specs are (and have the unit measured to that).

Also outside the HFTers most of us don't care about a few milliseconds
(sure an extra 50ms can be a pain, but is trivial to measure).

Jitter in backbone is low tens of microseconds, if you want to measure how
that changes over time, free-running rubidium is not going to cut it.

What you'd actually measure is a side affect of buffer depth at any point.

Show my anything short of a classic SONET transmission system (or
perhaps sync-E) where you actually have something with jitter that low.

So what, that sends IP packets, are you using to *measure* it. I can
imagine using an FPGA hard clocked to a reference oscillator (and even a
TCXO is good enough) doing it, but I'm not aware of any actual
implementation of this. Again, short of the HFT world I just can't
imagine how this could actually matter.

So what, that sends IP packets, are you using to *measure* it. I can

Agilent if we need unidir. Normal run-of-the-mill 10GE SP router will give you
low single digit microsecond jitter when not congested. (You can run 99.99% no
problem, as long as you don't try >100% (i.e. >1 interface sending)).

We only do bidir for constant measurements of network, unidir is unfortunately
only for troubleshooting case-by-case.
It would be very nice to always have unidir view to the network, but
cost/benefit is not there if you have lot of pops.

Quoting Julien Goodwin <>:

Show my anything short of a classic SONET transmission system (or
perhaps sync-E) where you actually have something with jitter that low [tens of microseconds].

Since you asked, here you go:

Two EndRun Unison GPS NTP servers, one in New York metro and one in London metro. They're connected via 10G over dark fiber (along with a bunch of networking gear doing more than just measuring time). Measurements taken from ntp running on the New York server, the blue line is the offset between the two clocks (in ms, left labels) and the pink line is the rtt (in ms, right labels).

90th percentile of the offsets is 34 microseconds, and 10th percentile is 5 microseconds.

You can see a spike in one-way latency near sample "590". Most likely culprit is of one of the firewalls being busy (there's two in this path).