Real World NAT64 deployments

6in4 == deprecated automatic tunneling mechanism ... HE is an example of
manually configured Protocol41 encaps.

And 6to4 doesn't allow IPv6 to talk to IPv4, contrary to what the name seems
to imply :).

Some poorly chosen names for our tunneling, yes?

Thanks, TJ's Droid2

In a message written on Thu, Mar 03, 2011 at 08:27:18PM -0500, TJ wrote:

And 6to4 doesn't allow IPv6 to talk to IPv4, contrary to what the name seems
to imply :).

Some poorly chosen names for our tunneling, yes?

I think 6automaticallyover4 was determined to be too long. :stuck_out_tongue:

Deprecated? Do you have a reference...?

Thanks, K.

He is mistaken... HE Tunnels are an example of 6in4 and it is not deprecated,
but, some original mechanisms for 6in4 to which he may be referring were


Apologies, was thinking 6over4 ... And I still think we could have done
better at naming these (DSTM, anyone?)

Thanks, TJ's Droid2

He is mistaken... HE Tunnels are an example of 6in4 and it is not
