Real ops talking to future ops

Hello friends,

I've made this call once before and the response was very positive so I
thought I'd do it again.

As some of you know, I occasionally teach networking classes at DePaul
University in Chicago. What has gone over extremely well in the past
is when I've had a real op come talk to the students, even if its just
about what they do on a daily basis. If any of you are in or around
the Loop in Chicago area on a Tuesday night between September and
November of this year and wouldn't mind sharing what you know and/or
what you do, I would be forever grateful if you do so with my class.
Dinner and drinks before and/or after are on me.

I'm not asking for anything polished. If you've presented something
recently that you think a computer science undergrad should be able to
grasp or even if just have enable, your future ops want you to tell
them about it.

...and yes, often times other instructors, and unfortunately the
required book, spend an inordinate amount of time talking about
classful addressing. So you'll be doing the world a favor and maybe
even me, by saying some things I'm not the only one saying to them
before they hit the interview circuit.

Here's the course home page with links to previous versions of it:


Thank you,
