Ready For A Good Laugh

Ok, I have to paste this in time order so that the rest of you can play

it all started when I tried to transfer in a new domain name for - of all
people, my future father in law. I am SO not screwing that up because I
don't want to hear it at every family gathering.... Since my hunny bunny
who is somewhat technical has been managing it, he wanted me take it over
mainly so that we could host his email on the server I already run. I
apologize in advance for the HTML email, but plain text just can't convey
some things - including the phishy appearance of the official emails that
come from these people.

Email #1 - Dated May 4


Summary: cheap registers abound.

Jimi Thompson wrote:

Now I'm going to go off on you people - What kind of crack are you people

The same stuff they're smoking over at PayPal.
Some genius decided to send out E-mails which said:
"Hello <name removed>,

It looks like you may be using an outdated browser with known security issues.

Help keep your computer and your PayPal account protected by updating your browser today."

and included a link (different from what was represented).
Even magaged to fool the folks at 11 pages of wtf? at:

It's a damned shame there isn't a .dr ccTLD, isn't it?

-- jra

Jimi Thompson wrote:
> Now I'm going to go off on you people - What kind of crack are you people
> smoking?

The same stuff they're smoking over at PayPal.
Some genius decided to send out E-mails which said:
"Hello <name removed>,

It looks like you may be using an outdated browser with known security issues.

Help keep your computer and your PayPal account protected by updating your

browser today."

and included a link (different from what was represented).
Even magaged to fool the folks at
11 pages of wtf? at:


PayPal has been doing this for as long as I've been a member. They are terrible
ones for sending out e-mails to teach you to type passwords into the spam.