read this before you consider EXODUS

Already there are signs that Exodus' relations with some high-profile
clients are in jeopardy. Service problems are serious enough that
they've generated high-level
tensions between Exodus and online auctioneer eBay (Nasdaq:EBAY - news)
, one of Exodus' largest and most prominent customers, according to two
people familiar
with the situation.

In the past few weeks, eBay has been in talks with several Exodus
competitors for a new contract to move a portion of its Web servers to a
new vendor, the sources
say. Exodus Chief Executive Ellen Hancock says its relationship with
eBay is in good shape. eBay spokesman Kevin Pursglove declined to say
whether it was mulling a
move of its primary Web servers but says that a top priority is to
figure out where to house a key backup system.

What was the point of posting this again? Every promising local ISP/colo
provider has problems, since you cannot please everyone all of the time.

What really matters is how _you_ are being treated and are they delivering
the services they promised you when the contracts were signed.

This sort of fruitless bitching pretty much serves no useful purpose.


I keep hearing about schemes like FastPath (tm, pat pending) and ASAP (tm)
because apparently the BGP path selection is inadequate. Could someone
actually give some concrete examples or should I just chalk it up to
rumors since operationally, BGP couldn't be worse.
