RE: World Trade Center attack

My wife called earlier to tell me a plane was shot down near camp david, said it
was on CNN or Fox. Apparently, also hijacked. I don't have anything more
specific, sorry.

Frank Thomas wrote:

> Seen supposed claims on (a sites that actually up and part
> of AP), but everyone and his brother will be putting their hand up for
> this one.

I expect not. Whoever did this has made a LOT of very dangerous enemies.

Personally, I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop. Somebody just expended
a lot of resources to paralyze a lot of the world's decision making
infrastructure - I'm more than a little worried that somebody is about to
make a major military move while everyone's attention is on NY and DC.

Has anybody been hearing news from out of the US about increased military
alerts and such?

The USA is currently in state Delta, highest alertness state as if War has
been declared. (Based on report on Fox News in the last 5 minutes)

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Over sees military bases are at delta alert; domestically US is at
defcon 2. Both of these are the last level before war.


- --
Matt Levine
ICQ : 17080004

- -----Original Message-----

The US military was put on it's highest state of alert, this morning,
shortly after this started. A prudent move.

- Daniel Golding

I've heard that we're at Threatcon Delta on parts of the east coast, at
least, and Threatcon Charlie elsewhere. Also, the navy has put two
carriers to sea that will be holding station off the east coast, along
with a number of destroyers.


and CNN has mis-reported that 5 battleships put to sea as well, suggesting
that their knowledge of networking is comparable to their knowledge of the
US navy.


Correct. FP (Force Protection) Condition Delta is the highest alert.
Though I've heard it's only the US East coast posts that are at Delta;
I've had reports that most overseas bases are at Charlie. FPCon is a
localized alert state and will vary by location.

DEFCON 2 has been reached, I believe.

DEFCON 1 does not necessarily equate automatically to war, however. It
is merely the maximum level of force readiness.

* Ariel Biener sez:

> I would if they were killed in front of my face when I was watching. It's
> nice to know you care, though.

What's palestine ?

Oh, just a small country currently subject to unjustified invasions by
another small country, some genozide and the main star during this years
South African Anti-Apartheid convention.

Aside from the attitude Stephane displays, the fact is that this event
does have the potential to have serious operational issues that are quite
relevant to this mailing list's charter. I suggest to Mr. Bortzmeyer that
he reconsider his position (and I'm only being polite because I am
required to by the list's charter).

I do not wish to minimize the effect when individuals are killed in other
situations of course. And if this had happened somewhere else it would be
*just* as relevant.


Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2001 14:02:13 -0700
From: Mark C . Langston <>

Correct. FP (Force Protection) Condition Delta is the highest alert.
Though I've heard it's only the US East coast posts that are at Delta;
I've had reports that most overseas bases are at Charlie. FPCon is a
localized alert state and will vary by location.

NPR in Kansas stated that local bases were at Delta. At any rate, it's
a far cry from Alpha and the occasional Bravo, particularly considering
that _every_ base seems to be at least Charlie... and Delta is common
from what I've heard.

Back to lurking. Note that the above is hearsay.


The DoD Dictionary
( doesn't
explicitly state the order, but does imply it progresses from 5 to 1.

Army Regulation 2510
implies that the restrictions on information transfer during an
emergency increase as the DEFCON level decreases from 5 to 1, implying
that 1 is the highest state of operational readiness, not the lowest.

Further, most every reference available, military and non-military,
recognizes DEFCON 5 as the state of lowest operational readiness.

Were I so inclined to search further, I'm sure I could dig up a
definitive military or governmental document that explicitly states
the rank ordering of defense readiness conditions. However, I think
the evidence above suffices.

I've seen TV vision of several groups "rushing" to deny responsibility.

It appears the terrorists are very very afraid of a possible US response.

Police have contructed a tight securitty cordon around the USA and Israeli
embassies in Canberra Australia.


The _NEED_ to be afraid. Did they forget that we elected a gentleman
named "BUSH" to the office of President of the United States? For those
of you outside of the US who did not see President Bush speak tonight, he
said, "..we will make NO DIFFERENTIATION between the terrorists and those
states who choose to harbor them."

It's time to kick terrorist ass and chew bubblegum and we're ALL OUT OF
BUBBLEGUM! (He didn't say that but, you can read between the lines.)

> What's palestine ?

An Israeli Military Training Facility?


Once upon a time, Jason Legate <> said:

That is Redstone Arsenal at Huntsville, Alabama (where I live), which is
the home of the Aviation and Missile Command. They just got a new
commander yesterday (today's ceremonies were obviously cancelled). The
only thing I have head about the status there was around noon from
someone at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center (located on the Arsenal)
said that the Arsenal was at threatcon Charlie.

Normally, the gates are manned by MPs only part of the time (the rest of
the time is more or less rent-a-cops). At this time, I believe only two
gates are open and they are fully manned by armed MPs, performing full
inspections of all vehicles. Everyone must have a badge and some
additional photo ID.

and CNN has mis-reported that 5 battleships put to sea as well,
suggesting that their knowledge of networking is comparable to their
knowledge of the US navy.

...the "enterprise battle group" has been ordered to stay in the persian
