RE: When is Verisign's registry contract up for renewal

The webpage was very 'thrown together' so we could get to work on actually
getting the servers built.

Our policy is to provide clean versions of the COM and NET zones. Minus all
of VeriSign's hackery. If you register a .com domain, it will appear in our
zone, if you don't renew one, it disappears. We plan to mimic exactly how a
responsible TLD operator should work. We don't want to change the world, we
don't want to expand the number of TLDs, and we really don't even want to
run a root.

The root we are (temporarily) running is just a hack to allow people to
access our gTLD zones, everything else is pointed to *

At this point, nothing really works. But we hope to have it operational
within the next week.

If you don't like it, don't use it. This is the last post about this you'll
see on NANOG from me about it.
