RE: Weird email messages with "re:movie" and "re:application" in the subject line..

got it here too..
And on 30+ publicly annouced mail accounts....
Hitting big.. sobig virus once again...


Date: Thu, 26 Jun 2003 09:33:16 -0400
From: "McBurnett, Jim" <>
Subject: RE: Weird email messages with "re:movie" and "re:application" in
    the subject line..

got it here too..
And on 30+ publicly annouced mail accounts....
Hitting big.. sobig virus once again...


Jim, All

Just in the last hour itself, I must have had at least 5 E.mails come to
me with a certain 'zipped' file attached, from persons unknown -- who have
received E.mails from me with the subject title in question.

In each case, the following message, and others of a similar nature were

The file attachment (details.pif) you sent to the
recipients listed above was infected with the W32/Sobig.e@MM virus and
was deleted.

It appears that whomever they are, the perpetrators are using a common
spamming technique to harvest addresses from the net for example, and to
then use that information to spoof the receivers. I say this because in
at least 3 of the 5 cases to which I refer, the ORIGINATING address is an
older convention (while it still works) that we no longer use at the
University of Hawai'i. Consequently, this leads me to suspect harvesting
of dated addresses from the net.

Just another experience...


Sobig.E worm/virus

-bryan bradsby
Texas State Government Net