RE: WAN accelerator recommendations

I worked very heavily with the expand product line in 1999 thru 2001.

Our site was one of the beta test sites for their frame-relay product.

Their products are first class and yielded us fabulous results.

Here's an extract from a CIO magazine article referencing my experience:

Expand Networks of Roseland, N.J., builds network accelerators that save
bandwidth by using several techniques. In one way, the accelerators can
recognize the data packets in a single communications session, strip out
their headers (which, by definition, are all the same), and replace them
with a two-bit session number. Feargal Ledwidge, network manager for
Irvine, Calif.-based Wyle Electronics, says he's seen a threefold to
fourfold increase in effective bandwidth by using the products. "Without
these accelerators we would probably have had to double our bandwidth
purchases," he says.

Bottom-line - their products rock and from what I hear just keep getting
better & better


Feargal Ledwidge
Web Services Engineer
NRT Web Services