RE: Virus


There is no evidence that the patch does not fix the vulnerability. You
may be getting infected during the patching and cleaning process. Best
bet is to patch, reboot, then clean.


There is no evidence that the patch does not fix the vulnerability. You
may be getting infected during the patching and cleaning process. Best
bet is to patch, reboot, then clean.

We've found that downloading both the appropriate patches and cleaning tools,
and then disconnecting from the network (as in unplug your ethernet cord or
hang up your modem line) before you run them both - patch then clean - works
and prevents you from being re-infected during the process.

Eric :slight_smile:

We've found that downloading both the appropriate patches and cleaning

and then disconnecting from the network (as in unplug your ethernet cord or
hang up your modem line) before you run them both - patch then clean - works
and prevents you from being re-infected during the process.<<

For those who can't download the fixes first, you should be able to turn on
IP filtering in the network properties (it blocks incoming connect
attempts), permit nothing, to allow yourself time to get to windowsupdate
and get patched. With XP just enable the firewall.


Review the system restore feature of XP machines as it relates to
patches. This seems to be the big buzz around the desktop people where
I work.
