RE: Utah governor signs Net-porn bill

...this bill... requires the attorney general to establish and maintain a database, called the adult content registry, of certain Internet sites containing material harmful to minors...
...$100,000 from the General Fund to the attorney general, for fiscal year 2005-06 only,
to establish the adult content registry...

They are going to create publicly accessible, highly available database service of the all the world's porn sites and maintain it with up to the minute data... with 100K. Right.

Seems like a more rational answer to Utah's pr0n phobia is for a certain religious entity to publish their own net-nanny software/service for their parishioners.

service of the all the world's > porn sites and maintain it with up to the
minute data... with 100K. Right.

if they made it publically accessible, added user ratings and thumbnails for
entries and stuck a few affiliate banners for some of the popular sites up
top, i'd bet they'd be *making* money. oh wait, someone's already done


On Tue, Mar 22, 2005 at 01:32:10PM -0500, Paul G said something to the effect of:

From: "Kathryn Kessey" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2005 1:29 PM
Subject: RE: Utah governor signs Net-porn bill

> They are going to create publicly accessible, highly available database
service of the all the world's > porn sites and maintain it with up to the
minute data... with 100K. Right.

if they made it publically accessible, added user ratings and thumbnails for
entries and stuck a few affiliate banners for some of the popular sites up
top, i'd bet they'd be *making* money. oh wait, someone's already done

Woohoo! A new pr0n-meta-index! A $$-maker, indeed.


Call the filtering program "SCOwl"...

Well maybe they're just trying to justify their... uh... research.


You've got "rational", "religious", and an implied "politics" all in the same
sentence. Other than that, it would be a better idea, yes...

somehow I suspect more than just pr0n sites will end up in that 'adult content registry'.
dont be suprised if sites critical of mormonism get blocked too. they can be as bad as
scientologists in this respect.


"Movie Day" at the Supreme Court:

-- jr 'sorry bout the ugly link' a

Cynic. Porn alone will do enough damage.

I use to resell one of the firewall with a blocker option, and one site
decided to actually buy it. When we enabled blocking of Adult content
dejanews (as it was then) disappeared, which caused some consternation - what
no comp.sys.* archive.

After some questioning, it became apparent it was because it also archived* - urm right.

One thing to note, from the story on this:

"Spokesman Tammy Kikuchi said Monday that Huntsman 'doesn't have a
concern about the constitutional challenge.'"

This could be interpreted as "We know this is going to be shot down, and the governor doesn't really care, as long as we appeared to be 'doing something' about internet porn"...
